Chapter 2: Niall's POV

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I feel a hand on my shoulder as I look out the window of the car, "Nialler, you should think about dating again," I hear Liam say, I shake my head in disapproval, "Li, I don't know, I-I just don't know, I don't think I'm ready." I hear Liam sigh quietly, "C'mon bud, it'll be fun,"

"C'mon lil Irish lad! You haven't dated since like the XFactor! That's 2 years!" Zayn chimes in, I give in a little too easy, "Fine," I say. The boys cheer, I groan in defeat. Zayn says, "I know a girl, her names Cindy and she lives two doors down from me," I stand up and say, "Alright! I'll go ask her now," I walk out of the room and something pops into my mind,


"I like this girl," Delilah's face expression changes, I can't read it, I shake it off, "T-Tell me about her." "She has dirty blonde hair, um, the prettiest eyes you've ever seen, they're the colour of the sea, the best personality, i feel like I've known her forever, oh jeez, shes perfect to me." I sigh in amazement and close my eyes to picture her, I hear Delilah giggle at the way I'm acting and I smirk. She says, "Ask her out!" I shake my head, "I-I'm too nervous, she's too good for me,"

"Do it! I'm sure she'll love you! I mean, who doesn't!" I blush slightly, "I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna march up to her and ask her out!" I stand up from my seat next to Delilah and her expression changes in an instant, it looks almost, sad? Why would she be sad? I can't stop thinking about it, I can't ask out Hillary, I just can't. I turn around to see that Delilah isn't in her spot; she's gone.

*End of flashback*

"614. Room 614. 614." I was getting nervous and my hands were sweaty. So sweaty, in fact, that the ink on the paper (which Zayn gave me) had started to blur.

Here it was. Room 614. I couldn't do it. What would Delilah think? I haven't spoken to her in over a year, but still.

Lifting up my hand, I looked left and right to make sure no one was watching, and tapped on her door.

What have I done?!! I just ruined everything! I can't believe I-

"Um, hey." There she was. Cindy. She had short blond hair,and was wearing a blue dress with flip flops. She was gorgeous. "Can I help you?"

I looked down at my shoes, trying to figure out what to say. "Um, well I uh, am a friend of Zayn's. And I was uh, wondering if you wanted to see a movie or something..."

Cindy's cheeks started to blush and was about to reply but then hesitated. "Well, it would help if I knew your name. I'm Cindy." she replied, stretching out an arm.

I shook her hand lightly and smiled, "I'm Niall. So um-"

"Sure. I'd love to."


"Pick me up at six?"

I slid my hands in my pockets, trying to look casual, "Sounds like a plan."

Cindy smiled and then closed the door.

I can't believe I just did that! She said yes!

"You have to let us help you get ready. Remember last time?" Louis exclaimed after I told him the news.

"Yes I remember. Its just, what do I do or say? How do I act?"

"Just be yourself." Harry said, eyes focused on the TV. Like that was going to help.


I looked the clock, which read 5:45pm. Fifteen minutes until my first date in two years.

Liam and Louis had helped me get ready and fixed my hair. Light kakis ran down to my knees, along with a blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and sperrys hugging my feet. My hair was brushed back with the help of a little hair spray.

"Good luck Ni. Just have some fun and get to know her." Liam said putting his hand on my shoulder.

The butterflies in my stomache went wild once my knuckles collided with her door. Shuffling side to side on my feet, I decided to observe the pattern of the carpet. Was she coming?

A minute later, Cindy opened the door. "Wow, you look nice!"

I didn't know what to say. She wore a short white t shirt tucked into a skirt slighty above her knees, along with uggs. A blue bow was holding her hair up into a ponytail and red was painted on her lips.

"Thanks! So do you!" hopefully that wasn't too cheery.

"So what do you have planned for us tonight?" Cindy asked as we started to walk down the hall.

"I was thinking about seeing a movie."


Delilah stood next to me as we walked towards the theatre. It was monday, our traditional scary movie day.

"I really wanna see that scary movie! The other one doesn't look as good."

"Oh come on, the other one is obviously better. Look at the title!"

She through back her head and laughed and we walked into the theatre.

**End of Flashback**

That memory stung a little, but I had to move on.

We stood in front of the movie theatre and ended up choosing a comedy.

The movie was actually pretty funny and Cindy seemed to enjoy it.

After it ended, I walked Cindy back up to her apartment.

"That was so fun! Thank you."

What was she doing now? She was leaning in for a...kiss.

"Um I can't-I-" I backed away. "I'm really sorry, I just can't."

"I'm sorry..." Cindy said apologetically, letting her eyes drop to the floor.

"It's fine I just, I don't know. I have to go, see ya."

Turning around, I walked back to my apartment, and decided to check my twitter.

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