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I closed my eyes, praying this would work, and it did. My parents weren't smiling widely anymore, their faces both regarding me with a mixture of disapproval but understanding, but Robbie. His grin was gone, he still looked at me with a caring smile and eyes that showed that I could never do any wrong by his standards. I took a step back, gasping as my parents' continued to look at me with disapproval before they turned their backs in the mirror-no longer wanting to look at me. Robbie stood with a sympathetic smile, his hand resting on the shoulder of my reflection. I felt a few tears escape as I looked at them and backed away from the mirror and out of the room. Barreling into someone's chest.

                "Everything alright, sweetheart?" My heart jumped as George placed his hands on my shoulder. "I was looking all over for you, Freddie said he saw you go in this area."

                "I think I found the mirror of Erised," I whispered a bit shaken up.

                "What happened, Fey?" I felt him begin to stroke my hair and kiss the top of my head as I tried to calm myself down. I had asked that mirror to show me what my family would think of everything I've done—it had done its job wonderfully.

                "I was walking around the castle, seeing if there was anything that needed to be done and I found this room and I wanted to see if it was the same...and then I found this mirror and here we are," I whispered as George came to stand beside me. "George, what am I doing here?" I needed an answer, I needed to know why I was so far away from my home, from my old life.

                George's expression looked pained for a moment before answering, "you're here because you followed your heart."

                "I left everything behind....in a split second, I dropped everything I had and left them, everything I owned, my entire future...I left it all and there's nothing I can do to fix any of it," I choked out, pulling my hair as anxiety washed over me. "I was supposed to audition for the symphony this fall, I was supposed to go onto being a professional violinist. I was done school, I only had a few months left...I-I-I-I-"

                George lifted my chin so that I was staring into the beautiful orbs of ocean blue, they searched my face as we stood there, calming me slightly as they swam in the sunlight. "tell me what you want to do and we'll do it."

                I took his hands in mine, interlacing our fingers tightly, "I just feel...like I abandoned them without a care in the world." 

                George wiped away my tears and kissed my cheek, "you didn't do that at all, love. We visited their graves while we were still there and then even got to go back. And I promise we can go back whenever you want to. They'd understand your choice to leave...you didn't want to stay there for the rest of your life, did you?" I shook my head, "then there's nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Everything will be fine, I promise." 

                I glanced over at the now disappeared door, wondering if what he said was true, they didn't seem to understand earlier...I glanced up at George, his eyes were filled with nothing but love and concern, he wore his crooked smile as he waited for what to do. "What do think you'd see, George?"

               George was quiet for a moment, snaking his arms around my shoulders as he thought over the question. "A mirror that shows your deepest desires?" he mused, "I have everything I could've ever possibly wished for and more, just being with you," he smiled down at me before kissing me gently. "I heard that there might be some food in the Great Hall, would you care to check it out?"

I nodded, letting him lead me back down the stairs. Careful of our steps as we went. Entering the Great Hall sent a chill along my spine, the last memory of this place had bodies strewn across the floor. I stepped a bit closer to George's side, as he guided me to a table toward the right side.

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