✨It's A Rainy Day

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-You guys have a movie day and try to draw each other while being blindfolded
-You guys also have long conversations, and sometimes try to make random sentences by saying one word at a time. Like you say one word, and then he says one word that he thinks of next, and then you say another word, etc.

-You guys have a fashion show. You pick a category of fashion for the other person to follow, and whoever's outfit looks the best (or follows the category the most) gets points.
-You guys also try to bake stuff

-You guys make up scenes for each other to act out, and then you have to act out that scene. Whoever ends up doing it best wins, and the loser has to do whatever the winner comes up with.
-You guys also write a bunch of different letters for each other to open at random times or days (ex: 'open this letter when you're sad', 'open this on *insert date*')

-You guys have a dance battle
-You guys also play board games and mostly just run around

-You guys do each other's makeup (just for fun)
-You guys play truth or dare (even though 99% of the time, he refuses to pick dare)

-You guys paint together
-You guys listen to music and invent your own lyrics to songs
-You guys sing duets and sometimes he takes a break to show/tell you about birds he has seen before

-You guys slow dance around the house
-You guys think of the craziest nicknames for each other
-You guys cook stuff together
-Y'all cuddle

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