✨What Ya'll Do At The Park-Losers Club

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-You guys just go there to chill out and talk and to just be alone together
-You guys also go there when he's upset and wants to be away from others

-You guys don't go there super often
-You guys go there to eat sometimes
-other times, you guys just run together. Running makes both of you less stressed and is just something you both enjoy doing sometimes to get energy out.

-You guys go there often! Mostly for picnics and just talking to each other about each other's day
-You guys also go there to read together sometimes and just to enjoy the quiet together
-You guys swing on the swings together too

-you guys go, and I promise, just to play on the playground equipment
-You guys think it's funny for little kids to see two basically grown kids playing on stuff lmao
-It's also fun for you guys, you guys just get to relax and laugh a lot together

-You guys mostly go there either when Eddie is mad at his mom or when the Losers Club goes all together
-He likes the peace and quiet there away from his mother and often rants to you there
-sometimes he'll push you on the swings if you ask him

-You guys go there often, whether it's for him to birdwatch (which is pretty much 99% of the time) or for you to draw/read/write
-You guys enjoy being amongst nature and you both enjoy just being together

-You guys both enjoy going around town together since he normally has to stay at the farm
-You  have a lot of fun taking him to your favorite places around town, and he's happy to go with you :)

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