✨You Hurt Yourself (minor)-Losers

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-You accidentally scratch yourself on a thorn
-it bled a little, but you were alright honestly
-He was a bit worried until he knew for sure that you were alright
-He got Eddie to give you a band aid
-problem solved :)

-You smashed your finger in a door
-You yelled out in pain and she came running
-She was really concerned about you and was worrying that you broke it
-Once she made sure you were okay, she calmed down and y'all cuddled

-You bit your tongue
-You guys were having a picnic date and while you were chewing something you bit your tongue
-You lowkey started tearing up a bit (I mean I would too, ow, man)
-He got so worried and immediately went into cuddle and worry mode
-You stuck your tongue out so he could see if it was bleeding lmao
-it wasn't, and it started to stop hurting, so you both started to calm down again lmao

-You almost twisted your ankle
-You fell and landed on your ankle, and it hurt for a while
-He was so worried but he also kept making jokes about being clumsy- he was only trying to make you feel better though
-He had Eddie (he's the group Doctor honestly lmao) see if you had twisted or broke it
-Nothing too bad was wrong, and he gave you piggyback ride so you wouldn't have to walk on your ankle

-You just tripped and fell
-He was worried that you hurt yourself badly, but you just kinda laughed it off
-He helped you get up and helped dust dirt and grass off of you
-He also hugged you because he kinda felt bad for you

-You dropped something heavy on your toe(s)
-You kinda groaned and he was like ??? You good ???
-He felt bad for you, and he got you your favorite snack and gave you a bandaid if you needed one
-then y'all cuddled cause why not

-okay, this one isn't an injury, but you were having bad cramps
-He was so worried for you and he felt super bad for you
-He got you a heated water bottle, your favorite snack, and the fluffiest blanket he/you had
-y'all cuddled and watched movies

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