🖤What Their Friends Think- Bowers Gang

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-Victor thinks you guys are good together, he thinks you'll make henry a better person (or at least make him less angry and violent)
-Patrick doesn't really care, as long as you don't start bothering him or something
-Belch is jealous of him being with you, he kinda likes you, but would never say so.

-Henry is like your best friend, so he's happy you're happy, but he makes sure that Victor doesn't hurt you in any way.
-Patrick is jealous of you, he wants you to be his instead, and isn't afraid to tell you both so.
-Belch thinks you guys are adorable, and he's happy you're making his best friend so happy!

-Henry just kinda hates your relationship- like he's not jealous of y'all, he just thinks you guys aren't good for each other, or at least that Patrick isn't good for you.
-Victor is happy for you guys! He does wonder why you'd be with someone like Patrick though
-Belch doesn't really have an opinion. After all, you're just AnOtHeR pErSon To dRiVe ArOunD (lmaoo-)

-Henry thinks you guys are good for each other, surprisingly
-Victor loves you guys' relationship! He's a little bit jealous though
-Patrick doesn't have an opinion

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