✨Their Insecurities-Losers Club

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-His stutter, although I feel as if he finally just is fine with it until it kinda goes away (in the book, speech therapy helped him so-)
-How tall he is. I feel like he gets uncomfortable with it sometimes idk

-Her hair. Her hair is a very unique and beautiful color (💗) but I feel maybe sometimes she gets insecure about it since she's one of the only people in town who's hair is like it

-Her body. I feel like because of the gross experiences she's had because of her father and because she's the only girl in the group of boys that sometimes she just feels insecure about it :(

-His body. Many people have made fun of him for it (which is horrible >:/  ) so I feel like he'd feel really bad about it sometimes :(

-His glasses. I feel like sometimes he just wants to live without having to have them, but idk

-His Mother. I think it's 50/50, though, like he still loves her and still sometimes has his opinions swayed by her, but I think he also realizes what she's doing to him and feels bad :(

-His Religion. It's what he gets made fun of for, even though it's not his fault that that's his religion, yaknow?

-Being homeschooled. I feel like sometimes he'd get insecure when the other Losers talk about something that happened at school or something they had to do at school and he wouldn't know about it :/

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now