✨Time of Month-Losers Club

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Yeah uh I'm pretty sure most of you know what this chapter (and the next for the Bowers gang) is about, and I'm not being in detail about anything but uhh idk if this needs a warning or??? Lmao I dunno

-Doesn't like talking about it, but understands what's going on
-He'll buy you anything you need, and often buys you stuff before you even ask for it
-He can always sense your change in mood when it's around that time, so that's why he knows to get you stuff
-He'll come over almost every day (normally he'd come over every other day or a few times every week) if he's allowed, just to cuddle with you and make sure you're okay
-If you go somewhere with the whole losers club, he'll make sure to bring pain medicine for you, water, and extra products to ensure that you'll be taken care of the whole day
-If you snap at him or have sudden mood swings, he'll be a bit upset and think you're super mad at him, but then he'll just remember that it's most likely because of how you're feeling at that moment

-She obviously understands
-If you ever have any questions or anything going on you wanna complain/talk about when you're going through it, she'll always take time to answer whatever you need her to
-Even though you most likely already bring your own products and stuff you need, she always keeps a little bag on her at all times full of stuff for you cause she never knows when it's the t i m e
-Whenever she's able to, she'll come over and cuddle and bring snacks with her

-He knows what you're going through, but he gets embarrassed any time you mention it
-He always either sees you everyday or calls to ask how you're doing
-He doesn't bring any products or anything with him, but he'll always go buy you anything you need at any time
-He often bakes you homemade stuff that you two share when you guys see each other
-He'll do basically anything you ask him to
-He gives you his hoodies (he does that all the time, but he does it more often when it's that t i m e)
-if you ask to cuddle, he'll get super excited cause he loves cuddling

-You have to tell him what's going on because he basically has no idea
-Once you tell him, he will never stop making jokes
-If you get mad or yell at him though, he'll apologize and come hold your hand or do anything you want him to
-Like- yes he does care, but he has his own way of showing it sometimes. That's why he jokes a lot. He always means well though
-He'll buy anything for you but he gets kinda embarrassed if it's actual products (not snacks or medicine)
-He feels bad for you and will cuddle more with you if you want him to

-He knows exactly what's going on without you having to explain much to him
-He gets you to tell him what you need/want and he'll carry it with him at all times if he's able to
-Like when it's around that time, he'll carry any medicine you want/need with him in his fanny pack, as well as products (I mean let's be honest, he probably already has all the medicine you need in his fanny pack, but he tries, okay)
-Sometimes he brings a spare bag to put other stuff in that he can't put in his Fanny pack (like a change of clothes/pants, snacks, etc.)
-He always tries to help you be in less pain before any pain actually happens LMAO (does that make sense?)
-He normally isn't a super touchy feely person (at least not 24/7) but he'll drop anything and cuddle with you or anything else if you want him to

-He knows somewhat about what's going on and doesn't wanna know any more details, but if he has any questions or anything he will ask Eddie cause he's a bit embarrassed to ask you
-He's like a mother or something when it's that time LMAO. If he's with you, he'll ask nearly every 10 minutes or so if you're alright, and if he's not with you, he'll call you every so often.
-He always makes sure you bring your important stuff with you, and if you forget or if he forgets to tell you, he has some stuff he brings just in case
-He always makes snack runs and gets different stuff every time, it's kinda like a snack surprise anytime he comes to see you (or just sees you in general)
-He'll hold your hand, cuddle, and make sure you're not hurting

-He doesn't know *everything*, but he knows enough to know what to do
-He (and his family) cooks you your favorite foods and will send them home with you (although technically they do that anytime you come over to see them)
-He also bakes you cool things and gives them to you when he sees you. You guys eat it together
-He doesn't bring medicine, but he tries to bring his money that he earns with him in case you need anything that he doesn't have
-He cuddles with you and gives you his clothes to wear if you wanted to

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