Chapter 11

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The only word Abir was able to bring at the end of the hour was that Nishant Raj Singhania had not reported to the general yesterday-a serious omission, given the fact that he was to have brought an immediate reply to the important letter he had undertaken to deliver.

Neither had he reported back this morning.

The rest of the embassy staff appeared half annoyed, half concerned-but not concerned enough, it seemed, to have initiated any active inquiries. Abir made a decision to go beyond the borders directly to the battle area and try and find him.

Abir reached there only to find scores of dead and the receding army lines. He stopped few people and asked them if there was any chance Nannu had crossed the second barrier of borders and gone into enemy territory but his theory was laughed upon.

One of the soldiers : Why would an embassy official do that? Even we aren't allowed to go there. There are specific rules that both sides followed.

That evening, when Mishti learnt about Nannu's continued absence, her worry knew no limits.

Mishti (looking at Abir) : Where could he be?

Abir could see fear in her widened eyes. Her already-pale face lost even more colour.

Mishti : All Nannu had to do was send a message to Brigadier General Khanna. What if he got caught in the cross-fire? Nannu might be easy-going but when he has work, he makes sure he completes it. He wouldn't have abandoned his duty like that. So he had to have gone to Brigadier General Khanna. But where is he now? Where... is he?

Her voice caught at the end and Abir was afraid that she might go weak. He thought of the reply that Nannu was supposed to bring back to the embassy but did not tell her.

He took her by the elbow and walked her out of Mrs Raichand's house. They sat on the front steps, her arms entwined around his.

Abir : Don't worry, Mish. I will go and talk to General Raichand and Brigadier-General Khanna today if I find them. They are expected back shortly. I promise that I shall keep looking for Nannu. You stay here and help as much as you can.

Mishti (her voice growing strong) : What about Naksh? I have to call him and tell him.

Abir : Phone lines are down today here. You will not be able to contact him today through the internet or otherwise. Wait for one more day. If any news is obtained, We'll tell him first thing in the morning.

He stood and helped her to her feet. She tipped back her head and gazed into his eyes without speaking, and he lowered his head and set his lips to her forehead, regardless of the presence of a number of pedestrians who were out on the street. He cupped her face in both hands and smiled at her.

Abir : Be strong, Mish!

He left and thought about the promise he had made. Finding a man in the midst of scores of bodies and injured was no joke. Nor was it an easy task. Every now and then, he found people lamenting the deaths of their loved ones. A lucky few smiled happily as they saw their kin injured but alive.

Knowing that it would be easier to go on horseback, He hired one and set off once more to the battlefield.

There was still the acrid smell of smoke on the air, mingled with the harsher stenches of blood and death. People were hurrying about here through churned mud and trampled crops with a great sense of urgency-burial details were already hard at their morbid work.

Abir wandered about, both on horseback and on foot, asking continually-in vain-if anyone knew and had seen Nishant Raj Singhania. He looked down into the faces of a hundred thousand dead, it seemed, but none was the one he looked for and dreaded seeing. In the end, with the advent of another day's dusk not far off, he had to give up his search and return to Srinagar.

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