Chapter 8

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Guys, Please do vote and comment in the story. Ik you all are busy but it takes some of my time as well to edit and post this story, especially during exams and all. It just makes my day to know that you actually like the storyline so please do take 30 seconds of your time to acknowledge this. 

It's very disappointing to not know if you guys like this story or not. I won't discontinue anything cos I don't believe in posting for votes. But do let me know. 


In this chapter, Please just go with the unrealistic settings.. I have no idea how far Srinagar is from the border or about the dangers the place faces. Indulge my work and forgive any mistakes made.


Abir was waiting for Saket and leave when he noticed Mishti at one corner of the hall. The crowd was sparse as all the officers had gone home to their family or to the headquarters. He saw that she was alone, No sign of her brother or her companions.

She was looking almost as pale as her salwar. Her earlier smile and sparkle had deserted her. After a moment's hesitation he made his way toward her and offered her his arm without a word.

Mishti (looking up at the man) : Oh! Mr Rajvansh!

She tucked her slender arm in his and they walked towards the refreshments area.

Mishti : I thought the Dewars could use some time with Rohan. They are in a great deal of distress.

Abir nodded.

Mishti : Do you think they'll all be killed?

Abir (gently) : No.

Mishti: That was a very stupid question. Some of them will be killed. Maybe many.

Abir : Yes.

He handed her a glass of water when she said no to juice. She sat down, her hands trembling. Abir looked at the Dewars annoyed. He understood the love for their son and the need to be with them, But how could they forget their young charge? After all, The Singhanias had entrusted them with Mishti's safety.

Mishti : I'm glad Nannu is safe in Punjab. I don't know what I would do if any of my brothers were there right now. I can't imagine anyone so close to me in such a dangerous profession.

Abir : What about Captain Rohan? Is he not close to you then?

Mishti looked directly at him but did not admonish him for impertinence.

Mishti : He is dear to his family—and to himself. And yet he is caught up in this madness that humanity seems prey to. Before he left, He begged me to wait for him and to grieve for him if he dies. I... I could not say no. How can I? It would have been so selfish and cruel.

Abir (softly) : Did you want to say no?

He had often wondered if she felt an affection for the boy. He was unworthy of her—a conceited young fellow who showed no sign of growing up into a mature man.

Mishti : Today that question has no meaning. Everyone's too emotional. But... Marriage is for life. I have always been determined not to choose hastily and not to allow my hand to be forced. It is very easy to fall in love, I believe. I am not so sure it is as easy to love.

Abir : What do you mean? Emotions have no place in love?

Mishti : Love is not ruled by emotions. Love is liking and companionship and respect and trust. Love does not dominate or try to possess. Love thrives only in a commitment to pure, mutual freedom. That is why marriage is so tricky. There are the marriage ceremony and the marriage vows and the necessity for fidelity—all of them suggestive of restraints, even imprisonment. Men talk of life sentences and leg shackles in connection with marriage, do they not? But marriage ought to be just the opposite—two people agreeing to set each other free.

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