Chapter 5

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Mishti walked and stood under a tree. She crossed her arms and stared at him.

Mishti : And now that you have me here, What do you plan to do to me?

Abir (looking at her innocently) : Excuse me?

Mishti : Don't be so coy, Mr Rajvansh. What do you plan to do to me here? Seduce me? Are you planning to kiss me?

Abir slapped a hand to his heart and looked mortally shocked.

Abir : Would I risk seducing an Singhania when I have like hundred military personnel less than 500 metres away? I do want to live, You know?

Mishti : So you were thinking about planning to kiss me? You were planning to and decided against it?

Abir (walking towards her) : Why are you using the past tense?

He moved right in front of her and leaned down.

Being the youngest of the Singhanias, It had always set her at an enormous disadvantage during any family altercation. But if she had learned one tactic well it was that the best defense was frequently offense. And surprise.

Mishti moved sideways so that she was not stuck between the tree and Abir.

Mishti (smirking) : I think, Mr Rajvansh, that I want to roam around these gardens for a while. I want to observe the park for what it is. A green haven.

Abir : So you wish to go on a nature's walk? (whispering) Is that all you want to do?

Mishti (looking at him ) : If we do " KISS ", Just make sure you remember that it will be because I PERMITTED you to. You are definitely not going to catch me off-guard. If we share a kiss, It will be because I granted it.

Abir (chuckling) : Aren't you scared that I'll steal a second one or a third, Mish?

Mishti : No!

She walked further away from the light and the noise began to die down.

Mishti : Don't kid yourself. You're not going to get one, let alone 2 or 3.

He stopped and leaned on a tree branch lazily.

Abir : Maybe no one's told you about me. Perhaps I am dangerous, Mish. Perhaps you should be afraid of me.

Mishti (with disdain) : If you meant me any real harm, you would keep very quiet about your unsavory past and hope that I had not heard of it elsewhere.

But Mishti had to admit to herself that standing as he was and where he was—in the dark with no one else close by except her—he really did look very dangerous indeed.

He chuckled.

Abir : Alright then, Miss Singhania! What are we doing on this nature walk?

Mishti turned around in a complete circle and then closed her eyes and breathed in deeply so that she would not ignore the smells.

Mishti : Nature has so many different contrasting things. There are various points of contrast. Isn't that so?

Mishti spoke in a completely different voice. Her earlier disdain was gone and she spoke casually.

Abir was slightly surprised at the direction of the conversation, but he did not show it. Instead he continued talking.

Abir : You mean like black and white? Up and down?

She turned her head to look at him with interest though of course she could no longer see him clearly at all. If she had asked that question to Reshmi or Captain Rohan or a dozen other of her acquaintances, she would have drawn nothing but blank stares.

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