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Within a minute, the metal doors slid open, welcoming Thomas into the very space where he would finally experience life. A real life, in a safe city. Devoid of Cranks, devoid of the Flare.
But as he stepped inside the small elevator-like room, anxiety began to clutch at his heart--he severely hoped within the deep confines of his soul, that this city would remain free of the Flare. That it wouldn't turn into the horror of what Denver--or any other city Thomas knew--had become. The doors closed without any resounding sound.

"Welcome," a simulated male voice said, ringing out all throughout the confined space, as if hundreds of speakers were built into the walls. "On behalf of AFA, we thank you for having stayed with us and received permanent treatment from the Flare virus. We know you will enjoy your time in the cities outside of AFA. Please note that exiting AFA is final, and you will not be allowed back in. You will exit through the single door in front of you, once the chime sounds. Thank you, and welcome to your new life."

Ding! The chime felt like it vibrated inside Thomas's skull. Ding. This was it. He wrung his hands out, feeling his heartbeat quicken, almost madly. Anticipation swelled inside his body, and the single door in front of him pulled apart like a drape, revealing the city.
Thomas sucked a load of sweet, mildly-polluted air into his lungs, internally reveling as his eyes gazed at the streets beyond him and the amazing skyscrapers above him. The towers almost seemed to float, existing there as the sun wrapped itself around the buildings, cloaking them in rays of light.

His eyes absorbed in everything: the stores on the block in front of him, past the street. People--young, old, and in between--walking up and down that street, and the many others around him, talking and laughing and smiling. The emotions Thomas analyzed were all happy. There was joy, and it was palpable, and he had never seen anything like it. There were families and large groups of friends--even animals. People walking their dogs, mothers pushing strollers, couples holding hands, kissing. Birds flying, soaring above. Food vendors and magazine kiosks.

Greenery; deciduous trees, bushes, and flowers. Delicious smells of breakfast wafting over from nearby restaurants: bacon and toasting bread, coffee. Chatter, commotion. People stepping in and out of taxis. Everything was overwhelming. Like one giant, rewarding slap in the face. It stung with enthusiasm and curiosity.
Suddenly a voice came near to Thomas, a hand clasped onto his arm, and he was snapped out of his gaping. It was May. Her pretty eyes, that slightly-dimpled smile, those pinkened lips. He'd been so immersed, he'd forgotten she was waiting for him.
"Isn't this just amazing?" May breathed, gawking at her surroundings.

Thomas tried to swallow and realized his throat was knotted. "It's . . . I never thought I'd see a place so carefree. So unaffected. It's beautiful."
"What do you want to do first?" May asked. Thomas just stared ahead, thoughts raging inside. So many that he couldn't decipher them in time.
May laughed, then laughed some more. Thomas turned to her, finally back in reality. A smile cracked on his rapt face. "What?"
"You look like you've just been born."
"Well, in a way I guess I have," Thomas replied, gesturing at his surroundings. "I've just never seen anything like this before."

"Where should we go?"
That sudden thought bounced inside his head, startling him. It was so surreal to think they could actually see it all. That it wasn't just some illusion created by WICKED. It was real and tangible. Best of all, explorable.
"What about eating? You said that was the first thing you wanted to do."
"If you're okay with that?"
"Of course I am." Thomas took her hand, already beginning to walk in no particular direction.

They found a novel coffee house, situated between two large office buildings. A popular spot for the businessmen and women as Thomas noted--he and May were the only ones practically not wearing a suit. Once they received their coffee and pastries, Thomas and May found a bar table near the window. Again, Thomas was caught staring out at the view. The life in this city was beyond anything he'd seen. It was appalling how he hadn't come sooner.
"This is great." May said, and Thomas realized she was talking about her coffee.
He'd been staring out the window so long his own coffee had lost its steam.
"Oh--it is?" He said, forcing himself out of his daydreams.

May nodded, titling the coffee cup towards him. "Do you want to try it?"
Thomas laughed, then shrugged, unsure of how to answer. "Why not."
He took her cup in his hands and lifted it to his mouth. The first thing he tasted was May's lipstick. That sweet, subtle berry; he could only imagine what her real lips tasted like.
Thomas slid the cup back to May, nodding in satisfaction as he swallowed down the creamy coffee foam. The flavor of her lipstick still on the back of his tongue. "That's delicious."
"I know."

Thomas took a sip of his own coffee, watching as May eyed him, observed him. "Mine's nice, too . . . Hey, wanna try it? You know, since I tried yours."
He cringed inside, but May smiled, "Sure."
Thomas watched as her lips, light as feathers, swept across the spot where his lips once were, drinking where he once drank.
"Mm, I think your's is even better," May said, chuckling; embarrassed, but indirectly flirtatious. Or maybe directly. Thomas wasn't sure.

"You should, uh, order it some time." Thomas watched as she nodded, handing his drink back.
"I definitely will . . . So, after this, should we stop by that hostel place you talked about?"
Thomas nodded, picking at his muffin, "Yeah. We'll catch our first taxi."
May placed her hand on his arm. "I can't wait to meet those friends of yours."
Thomas smiled, "I can't wait either."

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