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Harry's POV

draco held me in his arms as he talked to Dumbledore about the possibility of me and him getting a private room all for ourselves here at Hogwarts. Dumbledore was more than happy with this and said he would get the house elf's to it right away.

"now we have to tell mother" draco sighed angrily

"when we get back can you pack our things and I'll tell them" draco said calmly. I nodded my head, I felt like she may yell a little but I know its better for their relationship to not have us there. as soon as we walked back into dracos living room they were sat on the couch. Narcissa looked at us angrily 

"and where have you two been?" she snapped. I pulled away from draco and went up stairs to pack our things as asked. I grabbed all our clothes that were thrown across the room and packed them.

I then looked at the bag of things on the desk and grabbed them two along with my other collar. i placed them in the bag, although my curiosity got the best of me and I looked in the bag, there was fishnet leggings, a mini school girl skirt and other such things.

I giggled and shoved them back into the bag and then placed the bag in the suitcase. I looked around, I seen dracos hoodie over the other side of the room, I ran over and shoved it over my head putting it on. I used my magic to shrink the suitcase and shoved it into the pocket of the hoodie. I opened the door and was greeted with the sound of yelling

"LET ME LIVE MY OWN LIFE! IM SORRY IM NOT LIVING UNDER YOUR NOSE MY WHOLE LIFE!! I WANT PRIVACY WITH MY SUBMISSIVE!!" draco yelled I sighed and walked down the stairs and sat on them watching the fight although draco yelling made me wanna cry.



"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Lucius yelled over them seeing me sitting there close to tears. he stood from his seat and picked me up holding me comfortably in his arms

"don't cry you'll be alright" he said trying to calm me down.

"get. your. hands. off. him." both draco and Narcissa said

"why? he's sitting there close to tears as you yell about him pulling him into your stupid mother son fight. I get ignored every second of my life! if we aren't being cared for by our dominant's we may as well be there for one another" he snapped at them. my body shook as I started completely crying. suddenly I was pulled from Lucius and dracos soft lips kissed my cheeks as he carried me over to the fireplace

"I would say visit when you want. but I'm only inviting dad" he said before we disappeared back into Dumbledores office. he ignored the fact I was crying and lead me and draco to our apartment? I'm not sure what to call it but it's like a new home. it had a kitchen, livingroom, bedroom, bathroom, everything a average house has.

draco took me to the bedroom once Dumbledore had left and told us the password. he sat me down on the bed and handed me the outfit he brought before we had sex.

"put this on, this weekend its just gonna be me and you here" he said before kissing me quickly

"do you want me to make macaroni and cheese for dinner?" he asked. my eyes widened and I nodded my head. he smiled and kissed me again

"okay, put that on. I'll be in the kitchen, and I'm changing the password so that old git doesnt walk in" he said kissing me again and walking out of the room. I smiled and lay back on the bed happily. I put on the outfit and walked out. draco had his back to me as he cooked. I smiled and decided to tease him a little, I sat on the bench and didn't bother to cover my groin. I stole some of the cut cheese laying on the bench and ate it happily. I watched as his wings swayed a little when he moved. he was beautiful. he turned around and seen me

"kitten" he growled. I looked up at him and smiled. he rolled his eyes playfully and stood between my legs. he kissed me deeply before pulling away and taking the cheese from beside me

"no sex today baby" he said laughing. I glared at him and rolled my eyes

It was you - Drarry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora