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dracos pov

"harry darling, you cant be in the room with draco tonight, him changing will be hard..." my mother said to harry. Harry's ears dropped and his tail stopped the small swaying it was doing but he nodded his head. she sighed and pulled him to her arms.

"as a dominant myself I will stay up with you, I know how horrible you will feel at midnight when hes changing and his dominance comes in along with your submission" she said. harry looked beyond thankful although my father frowned

"oh you have been dominated for the last 30 years you old bat" I mother said jokingly to him. harry tried not to laugh

"no. I understand, before I go to bed I want to talk to you to boys about something you may not be comfortable with" he said, I sat down and looked at him curiously

"have either of you heard about when a submissive goes into heat?" he asked. we both shook our heads. he sighed

"it's when a submissive needs to be... well.... pleasured let's say... when harry is in his heat draco you must be there for him. if not it can cause him emotional and physical pain." he said. harry went red and refused to look at me 

"wait so when does this happen?" I asked. my dad sighed

"depends on the relationship and the submissive I'm afraid, no exact cycle happens... it can be 2 years until a submissive gets another heat from the last one they had" he said. harry was red and was hiding his face with his hands.

"how long does it last?" harry said, although it sounded like a mumble though his hands

"again depends on the submissive and the relationship" he replied

"oh that's even worse!" harry groaned. i laughed and picked him up off my mother's lap and sat him in mine.

"dont be embarrassed love, I'll happily be there for your needs~" I whispered. he blushed even more and hid his face in my neck. I laughed and kissed his shoulder

"draco love you better be off to bed now. its only 5 minutes to midnight" my mother said. i sighed... I had to be strapped down to my bed so I wouldn't destroy my room or come running down stairs in the need for harry. my dad sighed and stood as I did. i went to hand harry over to mother but he gripped on a little more and kissed me deeply

"goodnight my love" I whispered before being pulled away from him by father. he sighed as his ears dropped once again, one of the most heartbreaking things he does.

ʜᴀʀʀʏ's ᴘᴏᴠ

"come on darling, want a cup of tea?" Narcissa asked.

"I want draco" i said looking up the stairs where he had just left. she sighed and looked at her watch.

"I dont blame you hun, it's your time for falling completely into your inheritance... but again, do you want a drink?" she asked picking me up off the floor where I had fallen in desperation for draco

"okay" I mumbled clinging into her. she smiled sadly at me and sat me down at the table. I felt strange, i felt heartbroken and i needed to be in dracos arms, at the very least be able to hold his hand. I need draco to be sitting here with me, I wanted to hear his voice.

"here hun" Narcissa said sitting the tea in front of me. I sighed and glared into the cup.

"want warm milk instead maybe?" she asked. my eyes widened and I nodded my head. she laughed and moved the cup of tea to the chair beside her and then stared pouring some milk into a glass.

"where's Lucius?" I asked trying to distract my self from running upstairs into dracos room.

"hes gone to bed, he worked rather had today" she said before using her wand to make the milk warm before handing me the cup.

"I'll be back in a second" she said and walked out of the room. my eyes traveled to the stair case. I sighed sadly and looked down at my milk before drinking some

"here darling, this may make you feel better" she said coming back in with dracos overused hoodie. my ears pricked up happily as she slid it over my head. I smiled at how massive it was on me and snuggled into the slightly warm fabric. she smiled and looked at the time

"harry, your possibly gonna hear draco screaming... I beg you to stay here and not do anything.... if I'm correct... he should be like me" she said I glanced at her

"like you? you look normal to me but you have fangs" I replied, was tooth growing that painful?

"oh, I still have the spell to hide them on... give me a second" she mumbled getting out her wand. and what was them?

suddenly there was a deathly scream coming from dracos room. I mowed sadly and stared at the stair case

"here... he should be somewhat like this" she said. I looked back over to her and gasped at the massive white wings coming from her back. she smiled and let me touch one, it felt so soft. suddenly another scream came from upstairs

"draco" I mumbled

"dont you think about going up there young man" she said. I frowned... i hope hes okay


I'm sorry that the story has changed so much I hope you all don't mind. I was running out of ideas and the original idea for this story was that harry was a Neko anyway but I took that out when I started writing but now the only ideas I have are based around them like this soooo sorry but that's what this story has come to😂😂 I hope it's not to much horrible of a change

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