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I woke in the middle of night my heart beating fast my face covered in tears I had dreamt that Draco was murdered by his dad for being gay the thought of him not being with me made my heart sink.

I got up putting some pants on and a top. I ran to the slytherin dorms being careful not to be seen. I walked into the slytherin common room and ran straight up the stairs to draco's room.

I knocked on his door as soon as I got there. The door was swung open by Draco who looked at me confused. I just ran into his arms not saying anything.

" Harry are you okay?" Draco asked after a while. I pulled away and nodded my head.

I looked at the boy in front of me and talk and how beautiful he is. He's here he grow in a bit longer and was slightly hanging over his eyes, his eyes were shining blue, it was easy to get completely lost in them. His lips were the perfect pink. In my eyes he is perfect. As I keep forgetting his and made that's what Dumbledore had said.

" Harry what's wro-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his. He didn't kiss back at first but then he soon  started kissing me harder.

I rapped my arms around his neck as he places his hands on my waist. We soon lukked away for a breath.

I rested my forehead on his  "I think we ruined the friendship" draco said with a small smile on his face. "I really dont care" I said smiling as I kissed him again  this kiss lasted a little longer, but soon we just stood there with our arms rapped around each other.

He hugged me tighter and placed his head on my shoulder.

I smiled to my self, I'll have to try my best not to mess this up.

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