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I was walking to the great hall. I was gonna take the day off school for I did not get much sleep last night. I had stayed up thinking about Harry still with his girlfriend. We have not been friends for long but I can't help but start to have feelings for him, but he still is with Ginny, he's most likely not even gay.

I get angry when ever I them together. I wish it was me not her.

"DRACO" I already know who it was I turned around to see Harry running to me, I could not help but smile at his cute he was. "I. Have. The. Best. News" he said pausing after each word. He lent over placing his hands on his knees as he tried to get his breath back.

"Oh and what would be oh so important you could not of have just thought it?" I joked. "Well, I- I um, I'm gonna brake up with Ginny" he said a massive smile on his face.

"Wait you what, what about Ron?" I half yelled. "He never wanted me and her together" he said his smile growing even bigger. "That's brilliant Harry!" I said smiling.

"Lets go" he said before we both continued our way to the great hall. "Wait, who's going first?" I asked. "Or we could just walk in together" he said blushing. "Your not afraid that people will know we are friends?" I asked surprised. "Nope" he said giving me a cheesy smile.

We walked in and immediately people were looking at us. "Bye Dray" Harry said walking over to sit with his friends. I sat next to Pansy. "Hello, how's Granger?" I smiled at her. Her face dropped "how did you know about me and Hermione?!" She whispered. "Harry" I shrugged.

"You spend a lot of time with that boy" she sighed looking at her plate. "Is that a problem?" I snapped. "No, no I just- do you fancy him?"

"A little he'll never feel the same though"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that"

It was you - Drarry Where stories live. Discover now