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Harry's pov

After we had ate draco sighed and lay down again

"Feeling any better?" I asked laying next to him and pulling him close so his head was on my chest.

"Much, thank you harry" he said and kissed my chin. I smiled and kissed his lips.

"I was wondering... do you know who done it? Who took you?" I asked after a long silence. Draco sighed and shook his head

"No" he mumbled. I sighed and kissed his head

"Who do you think could have?" He asked looking up at me.

"Ginny" I mumbled

"Weasley?" He asked. I laughed

"How many other ginnys do you know Dray?"

"None, just making sure" he said laughing as well. I grabbed his face and kissed him gently. Once we pulled away he smiled and went to kiss me again but blaise walked into the room

"Hello draco! Potter" he said sitting in the seat next to the bed. Draco groaned and lay on my chest again.

"What are you two wearing to the ball tonight?" He asked. Draco suddenly jumped

"Ohhhh ugh I forgot all about the damn ball!" He said angrily. I laughed and pulled him back down

"Are we gonna go?" I asked

"That's one way to ask him" blaise said laughing

"Do you wanna go? I mean us two dancing, wont people think its weird?"

"They seen us making out draco I think we are fine" I said laughing. He smiled and then nodded his head.

"Okay, we'll go" he said

"Y'know, I love how there is no "i" in this conversation only "we" " blaise said and then laughed when draco rolled his eyes playfully.

"Blaise?" Ron asked walking into the room

"Wow no, "ah harry! Hello mate!" I said sarcastically making the whole room laugh.

"Who are you two taking to the ball then?" Draco asked. They both blushed and blaise grabbed Ron's hand

" we are going together" blaise mumbled.

"I asked him yesterday after we left here. Asking him to go to the ball with me soon lead to him asking me to be his boyfriend" ron said. I smiled

"See! I told you to tell him you like him dumbass!" Draco said to blaise. Blaise laughed and shrugged

"Never would have the bravery for that"

"Anyway, we better go. Pansy is looking for you" ron said pulling blaise from the chair. Once they had left the room draco covered my face in many little kisses. I giggled and tried to push him away, he laughed and kissed my nose and then my lips. I kissed back but he pulled away and started kissing all over my face again

"Draco!" I yelled laughing. Draco laughed and kissed me once more on the cheek then pulled me into a hug

"Y'know for a boy that was just kidnapped and starved and got hypothermia you're way to energetic" I said. He smiled

"Well then... shame on you for giving me that energy"

ஜ۩۞۩ஜ 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

Dracos pov

"Harry" I mumbled as he threw another one of my neckties out of my dresser. We were dressed and ready for the ball but harry said my necktie was ugly, and now he wont stop looking through all of them.

"Ahh this!" He said grabbing a silky dark purple tie. I laughed and went to take it from him but he pulled away

"No, no. Let me" he said pushing my hand away and starting to tie it around my neck

"You know how to do this?" I asked laughing. He rolled his eyes playfully and nodded his head

"With a lot of help" he mumbled making me laugh. He smiled and pulled away

"There! Much better" he said. I laughed and kissed the top of his head. He wrapped his arms around me and hid his face in my neck.

"I hate dancing" he mumbled.

"Then why are we going, love?" I asked. He gasped at the nickname but sighed and pulled away so it was easier to hear him

"Because, I want to be silly, dance around with you although I have no idea what I'm doing. Get a kiss from you every time I mess up, and have all the boys and girls staring at us jealous that they are not the one to dance with you. That I am." He said before kissing me. I smiled but shook my head

"People would want to the one dancing with you" I said. Harry shook his head

"People would want to the one dancing with you" he said smiling.

"No with you" I said laughing. He laughed and shook his head

"No with you" he said. I picked him up and walked out of the room with him over my shoulder.

"Draco! Put me down" harry said laughing. I laughed and walked out of the slytherin common room and out into the corridor making my way to the ball.

'Draco put me down!!' Harry said through mind link since he was laughing to much. I smiled now that we were close to the dance and put him down. He instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me deeply taking me by surprise. I kissed back but he pulled away and grabbed my hand.

As soon as we walked into the room I felt eyes on us. Harry seemed to ignore all this and pulled me onto the dance floor

"Now how do you dance?" He asked as a slow song came on. I laughed and lifted him so his feet were on mine

"Oh that's no fair" he mumbled as I started dancing. I laughed and kissed his nose getting some "aww"s from girls watching.

"Well, you were gonna end up standing on my feet anyway" I said

"Okay you are officially a bully" he said laughing. I smiled and kissed him quickly

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