XI. Tragedy Strikes

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     SMALL RAYS of sunlight escaped through the overcast sky. It was a late afternoon and nearly everyone had gathered for the third and final task of The Triwizard Tournament. Ron, Hermione, and I took our seats in the wooden bleachers stationed outside of an ominous maze, which I guessed is where the champions would face this task's objective. Students sported a variety of flags and posters, cheering loudly as Hogwarts' band played a lively and celebratory tune.

Mr. Diggory jogged out and gained the audience's attention, gesturing proudly to his son who followed suit. I began clapping as Cedric approached his father's side, scanning the crowd until his eyes landed on me. Hesitating, I raised my hand and waved at him. He grinned and waved back, causing me to smile softly. Recently we had not spent any time together because he was too busy preparing for the end of the tournament, but I knew things were okay between us. Although we were not dating, Cedric and I had gotten very close this school year and I considered him a really close friend. I miss him.

"So you never did get into details on what happened between you and Cedric," Hermione pointed out.

"I already went over the gist of it," I shrugged, reaching past her and snatching a Bertie Bott jelly bean from Ron's hand.

"Hey!" he whined, resuming his search for a color that was not an awful flavor.

"I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship and he took it really well. Said that he respected my choice and... and that he'd wait for me, whatever that means," I laughed sheepishly, popping the jelly bean into my mouth and gagging. "That one was puke."

"Serves you right for stealing my snacks," Ron mumbled smugly.

Hermione ignored him, "Well it's obvious he really fancies you."

I nodded, about to reply when Professor Dumbledore stepped onto his podium and called out for the crowd to quiet down. "Earlier today," he began, "Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position."

At the mention of Moody's name, I got the weirdest shiver down my spine. I shook it off as the headmaster declared Cedric and Harry would enter the maze first, given as both boys were tied for first place.

"And the first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" he finished and the crowd went wild.

I bit my lip nervously, watching on as Harry and Cedric disappeared into the maze.



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