Ⅵ. Young Lovers

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     "BOYS ARE so weird," I muttered.
Back in our common room, the girls and I witnessed Ron and Harry finally forgive each other. "It took you guys long enough," Ginny chided while Hermione looked utterly baffled. "Boys... I don't think I'll ever understand them."

The four of us spent the better half of that night chatting by the fireplace's warm glow. It was the first time in weeks that my best friends had all been together, too busy laughing and catching up that we forgot about curfew. Luckily, the Gryffindor Prefect let it slide and settled for giving us a warning. Hermione and I bid our goodbyes to the boys and tiptoed into our dormitory, careful not to wake our three dorm-mates. It wasn't long before I also drifted to sleep, thankful that, at least for a moment, everything was alright.

The following morning was a reminder that nothing ever goes smoothly at Hogwarts.

"Oh no. Griffin, you should take a look at this," Hermione said nervously, handing me her copy of the Daily Prophet since I had recently canceled my subscription. I bit my lip anxiously, reading and then re-reading the latest article with shock. "You have got to be kidding me," I gasped, slamming it down on the wooden table and gaining Harry and Ron's attention. "Get a load of this! That reporter must be absolutely mental," I said through gritted teeth.

"Here she titled the article 'Young Lovers' and wrote, 'Miss Blakes, a progressive but unadorned girl seems to be developing a taste for Triwizard Tournament Champions. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the dashing wizard, Cedric Diggory,'" I took a breath, obviously flustered. " 'No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this latest emotional blow.' And then," I flipped the papers around so an unbothered Harry could view the passage, "she added a charmed picture of us hugging." I wondered how many people read that article and actually believed it.

Had Cedric?

In an attempt to calm down I took a few sips of my cold brew coffee. "Don't worry, Griff. Tomorrow this'll be old news," Hermione reassured. I nodded, definitely hoping that was the case, when Nigel Wolpert appeared with a parcel for Ron. A few seconds passed and Hermione lightly cleared her throat, making Harry notice the younger boy did not leave and was now gazing at his direction wearing an unfaltering smile.

Ron's eyes widened and he quickly whispered, "Not now, Nigel. Later... go on."

I exchanged a knowing look with Hermione and we both raised our eyebrows at the ginger haired boy.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph. Oh look, Mum's sent me something!"

I looked on with curiosity as he opened up the package, revealing a long brown uniform of sorts. Ron stood in confusion, holding it to his figure. "She sent me a dress."

Several students snickered from around us and Harry's mood brightened as he spoke, "Well at least it matches your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" He looked back in the box and pulled out a second under layer to the brown one. "Aha!"

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