(9) jamais vu

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an// sorry ab this bad chapter in advance.. i had to rewrite it pls lmao

no fr really sorry 




A boy from their class had Harry pinned to the wall, his expression scrunched up in rage as he stared down at Harry who was struggling to get away.

"Look if you want to hit me, don't hit anywhere it's visible please." He pathetically struggled.

"Shut the fuck up, you think you can get away with things just because you have a fucking body guard you whimp."

"Yes." Zayn materialized out of thin air into the common rooms looking annoyed. He glared at Harry and then at the boy who was holding him. He slowly walked over towards them and leaned on the wall Harry was pinned to. "Now imagine what would happen to you if your first even gets close to his body."

Harry's stomach swooped at how effortlessly attractive Zayn looked, threatening people like this.

"Fuck you." The boy spat, a drop of his spit making its way on Harry's nose making him cringe.

"Ew." Honestly he really didn't know the girl he fucked at the party almost a month ago was taken and he's encountered angry boyfriends more times than not. He hadn't touched anyone in weeks because he was busy pining after Zayn.

He couldn't afford to get hit but at the same time, craved for it. Craved for it so bad, he wished his dad would hurt him instead of Zayn and some would say that a really romantic thing to say except it wasn't. It was only a selfish desire.

It was something Harry got off on. Pain was something he craved. Except his pleasure was torture for Zayn.

In a quick swift moment, Zayn twisted the guy's arm around effortlessly and pinned his chest to the wall. "Scram before I break your bones."

Harry's stomach fluttered.

"Man you think its fucking fair?" The guy growled, "You think it's fair he gets away with shit without consequences?"

"It's not his fault your girlfriend cheated on you." Zayn spat and kicked the guy in the shin making him wince in pain.

"Zayn let go." Harry said.

And Zayn did.

The guy glared at the both of them before adjusting his collar and walking away.

Harry felt shame crawl up his spine, he had promised to himself he wasn't getting in trouble, and he had managed to get by but this guy had sprung up on him out of the blue.

He hoped to god Zayn didn't think he was having sex with other people.

"It was months ago." Harry explained.

"I don't really care." Zayn sighed rubbing his temples.

"Zayn." He pleaded, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen I haven't even touched another person since like a month."

"Harry," Zayn's hazel eyes looked exasperated, "Why are you telling me this? Do you think it will make me feel better?"

Harry knew Zayn had feelings for him, he knew every time Zayn stared at him when he hit on other girls, he knew but he never accepted it because how could Zayn ever like Harry? The only person to hurt him so much through his life?

Sometimes he wished they'd met in different circumstances where Zayn had better parents and he was never in a foster home, attended high school like a normal student and worry about his grades. He could never fathom what went on in his brain but lately he looked even more tired and Harry was scared.

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