(14) there's a party and we're all going and we're all growing up

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Normally in the case of interchanged phones, the first thought he'd have is to try to break into the phone to call the owner and ask for his phone back, maybe even report it to an authority.

This wasn't a normal case though, Harry's hand was gripping Zayn's cell phone, the same guy who ran out on him years ago, the same guy who Harry had uselessly pined after for a longer time than he'd like to admit, the same guy who had left him so shattered, he was afraid of falling in love ever again.

So yes, life was great for Harry Styles, his ex? Would it be appropriate to call him his ex ? Was back in his life although they were never explicitly together and Zayn probably never even liked him in the first place, and as briefly as it may seem, he still managed to stir him up and once again, left him flabbergasted. 

The thought made his steps stutter, it was something he didn't like to dwell on, how ever unhealthy the thought was, he always liked to believe Zayn felt something towards him. 

He stared down at the phone again, the old picture of Harry's backyard popped up evoking a loud groan from him. A few people glanced at him but went on about their day. 

He wanted to call Samara but then he remembered how they were into Zayn and a bitter taste filled his mouth, this could not have been gone worse. Not only was Zayn back into his life, they had also managed to somehow interchange their phones, on top of that his friend and him had a thing going on. 

He had to get to his next class but he also wanted to go back to his room and let his duvet swallow him, but unfortunately, he wanted to get of his phone. 

Life really wasn't being generous towards him, not that he expected any less with they way he treated Zayn in the past, how he always took him for granted. Harry liked to believe he grew as a person, although he could never understand Zayn's struggle as a person of color around a majorly white neighborhood, he definitely had more sources of information to educate himself now. 

He understood why Zayn did what he did, it didn't make him feel any better but he understood. 

Did Harry even have any right to be mad, or be hurt by what Zayn did? Was his reaction warranted?

The more he thought of it, the more he felt his anger dissipate into a muted hurt. He probably didn't have any right to be mad, but he couldn't stop his heart from constructing every time he thought of Zayn.

It had been a while, why was he still uselessly hung up on Zayn? 

A sudden thought hit him like train wreck and a cold feeling crawled up his spine. Zayn had his phone and it wasn't password protected. 

He froze in his steps and let out a loud breath and calmly tried to think. He couldn't afford to have Zayn look through his phone, he didn't know how changed Zayn was, if he could trust him to not invade his privacy. His notes contained an embarrassing amount of confessions he didn't want anyone to know about. 

He could call Samara from Zayn's phone which also surprisingly didn't have a password, which made him think maybe it was intentional. The thought of Zayn going through all this to talk to Harry made his stomach flip and he clenched his fists, he definitely had a weak heart. 

Okay, he was getting distracted, he needed his phone out of Zayn's hands right now, he had to think of something quick. 

Taking a deep breath, he unlocked Zayn's phone, the wallpaper he had on was really bland, just a plain blue, clock on display. Unintentionally he snooped through his apps, nothing out of the ordinary, he didn't have twitter or instagram, his messenger app had over sixty unread messages, his whatsapp had four. 

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