(5) no this is not a phase or coming of age

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Zayn was wearing his new shoes. The ones Harry had bought for him from Paris. Apparently they were supposed to be expensive.

He felt weird wearing them especially because Harry had insisted he wear them on his date to make an impression.

"Can you get me a refill?" Harry tapped his empty coffee cup. They were sitting in a café because Harry's tutor had said that this was an ideal place for studying. Zayn usually went anywhere Harry did so naturally, here he was third wheeling Harry and his tutor.

"Yeah." Zayn smiled, he got up from his seat.

"Uh mine too, if you don't mind." The girl shot him a sheepish smile. Zayn nodded and took both the cups.

While he waiting for his refill Zayn felt his stomach swoop at the prospect of going on a date with Claire. He was yet to determine if it was a good feeling or not.

He had never been on a date before and no one had ever asked him out. He was usually Harry's shadow and quite honestly, he preferred it that way. He hated attention, ever since he was in the foster care system.

Being a brown boy in a white neighbourhood really made Zayn detest attention of any kind because the attention he got was usually racist slurs.

Now Zayn had a thicker skin that that, and Harry helped a lot, he usually got into trouble for defending Zayn.

But attention from a girl was different. Maybe in a good way. Zayn bit back a smile.

He went back with the coffee cups and it looked like Harry and the girl who was his tutor were in deep discussion over something. He silently sat back down on his seat and stared at his new shoes with a smile on his face. The only gifts he had ever gotten in his life were all from Harry.

And this one was special because Harry had thought of him when he was away in France.

His phone buzzed and it was a text from Claire.

Hey, I'll be there in 10 sorry if you're already there xx

Zayn bit his lip in contemplation, should he tell Harry or not? He wasn't supposed to leave Harry's side, especially for personal matters but he wanted to go on his first ever date. He wanted to feel what others felt when they went for dates.

"Was that Claire?" Harry raised his brow.

Zayn nodded once, looking down at his shoe.

"Is she there already?" He asked, Zayn nodded again. "Okay then leave."

Zayn looked up, "I'll tell her to wait, I'll drop you home and then I'll go."

"That's crazy, you're going to make your date wait?" Harry scoffed, "Leave, I'm not a baby, I'll be fine."


"Go already, jeez." He rolled his eyes, "It's really not a big deal."

"If you're sure." Zayn sighed, "Will you text me when you reach home?"

"Yeah I will now go." Harry pushed at his shoulder, smiling softly, making Zayn's heart flutter.

He got up hesitantly, "Fine I'll see you home then. Please try not to get into trouble." He pleaded.

"I won't, oh my god, just go already, she will think you're an ass for making her wait." Without waiting for his reply, Harry went back to his laptop.

Zayn let out a sigh and walked out of the café and when he looked back in through the glass window he saw Harry already staring at him with a weird look on his face. He looked away before Zayn could smile at him.

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