Chapter 10 - Riptide 2.0

Start from the beginning

"Well, I still have control over my Father's domains, even on this world. But the other things, not so much. Also, why do you guys keep calling me 'young' or 'child,' I'm literally almost three centuries old!"

The two women laughed, "While you may be older than most mortals, you are still very young compared to us. It also does not help you still do look like a teenager."

Percy threw up his hands in exasperation, "Not exactly my fault. Whatever."

Diana laughed again. "Well, we must start your training. For now, we will give you a room in the Temple where you can live. We can still make an Olympian out of you yet, Perseus."

Percy rolled his eyes but managed to smile, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, he thought to himself.

Two weeks later

Percy took back what he previously thought, this was indeed bad. In Tartarus, his stamina wasn't bad, and he always had a higher endurance compared to others. But he also lived off firewater, breathed in the sulfuric air, and rarely ate cooked meals with the one's he befriended down there. Up here though, he was still getting used to breathing clean pure air, and Wonder Woman had some insane endurance as well. While Percy matched her in swordplay, they would still spar for hours and hours on end until Diana would call it quits for the day. Afterwards, they would try and figure out Percy's domains. So far, they had made no progress.

"Maybe as a god of heroes, you draw strength from heroes? It that is the case, you're lucky then, this world has an overabundance of those."

"But how do I draw strength from other people? It just doesn't make any sense." Percy complained.

"Try and look deep inside of yourself, there has to be something you draw power from inside you."

"That sounds like meditating, I hate meditating," he grumbled.

Wonder Woman raised her hands, "Well, that sucks, but you are going to have to try."

He sighed, he didn't want to tell her why he hated meditating, but he was going to hope for the best and hope he didn't get any visions while concentrating. "Oh well. Might as well give it another shot."

He sat down under a tree crossed legged, his hands on his knees and closed his eyes. Diana was right beside him.

"Look deep inside yourself, for anything that could be there."

"Roger Roger."

"Make sure you concentrate, that's an important step."

"Currently concentrating"

"Deep breaths, always deep, even breaths."

"Yep, deep breaths, check."

"Feel the eart-"

"Diana I think I get it," Percy glared at her while she laughed, slightly pushing him as she did so.

"If you say so, little cousin. I will be quiet, now, try again."

Percy grumbled, but tried again. He waited a couple seconds to see if she would start speaking again and when she surprisingly didn't, he began to search deep within himself. He didn't know what he was searching for, but he felt as if he was missing something.

As he was looking deep inside himself, he actually began to feel something, something nice and warm. He almost jumped and told Diana, but he realized he had no idea how he did this and he wanted to check it out.

As he got closer towards the feeling, he reached a mental hand towards it and put his hand inside, and as he did that he felt a surge of power like he never felt before. 'This must be my Devine core' he thought to himself before seeing if he could grab anything in there.

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now