Oh stop being so ridiculous!

-What are you doing here?- you said, still a bit startled, trying to play off your obvious staring.

He furrowed his brows and looked down, he silently stood there for what had to be at least two minutes, mouth parted and breathing slow, he seemed to be completely zoned out, finally he answered.

-I...cannot remember...- he looked around- I came here...and then i saw you...- he trailed off.

Your eyes widened, he moved slowly and took a lot of pauses, was he high? And why was he wet?

-Why are you wet?- you took it as another excuse to check him out.

Fuck he's built like a muscly fridge...

He turned to you again, with two fingers over his mouth in a thinking manner, and then smiled big, taking off his sunglasses, his eyes heavy and red, he had to be high.

-Weed! Why are you wet?- his tone went from exclamation to suave insinuating.

You suddenly remembered you were half naked, and your insecurities kicked in, feeling exposed. Quickly you wrapped the towel around you and swallowed, you could feel yourself blushing.

-Are you high?- you asked him, he was looking at you now, but didn't reply.

-What?- he mumbled.

-High- you repeated.

-Heeey...- he said seductively, smirking.

-Oh for the love of...Phillip you're high.- you stated.

He shrugged and nodded, and you rolled your eyes, you had so many questions, like why was he dressed formally, and why was he wet.

-Phillip- you started, he hummed looking at you- How did you get wet?-

-We were...at temple.- he said, only making you more confused- Aaand Judd had a blunt...well my dad had the blunt but Judd had the blunt, now i have the blunt-

He nodded to you and you widened your eyes at him, you figured he wouldn't give you a coherent answer until he was sober again, so you gave it up. You had dealt with high friends before and they were basically either slow children or happy children, and always hungry.

-Okay how about you come back when you remember why you came?- you said, placing a hand on his arm to lead him back where he came from.

-No no wait wait!- he turned to face and dug in his pocket before pulling out half a blunt with an amazed expression.

He was offering it to you, you had smoked before in college, quite a few times, after like your second year you started to be a little repulsed by it and barely touched it, and then well, you were out of college, but you always remembered it to be relaxing and feeling like everything was just okay.
Still, today wasn't your day, and your mom didn't know you had tried it, and you were not about to have her find out today.

-No thank you, i think I'll pass...- you said, lowering his arm.

-Oh pleaase, come on don't leave me high alone!- he pleaded.

You thought about it, the idea was a bit tempting, you did want to relax and feel good, you looked at Phillip again, his hair was drying but his shirt was nowhere close, and he pouted at you, he fucking pouted at you, you bit your cheek to hold back a smile.

Someone Like You -Phillip Altman x Reader-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें