Fucking Pretty

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Warning ⚠️: A bit of angst, and drug use (nothing too strong, but im still warning yall)

The remainder of the day you laid in bed, curled up into a ball looking out to nowhere, wondering what the hell had happened with the little security you had in what you were doing, and feeling bad about it. You thought you had figured it out, or that you were on that road at least, you chose a good career in something you didn't loathe and that would get you a decent income, then you got a job at a nice newspaper in a new city, and your boyfriend by your side. Everything was going straight.

Except for the fact you didn't really enjoy any of these. But now, at this far point, what could you possibly do? Try and pick a new career? You didn't even know which one you'd pick, you were a grown up you couldn't go around trying new things to see where to go with your life now.

This is probably why people told me to go out more when i was young...

"When i was young" what kind of dramatic ass statement was that? You were young, you were barely reaching 30, this wasn't a fucking mid life crisis, more like a quarter life crisis if anything...You just felt unhappy like an old lady, but lost like a teenager. Adulting only felt like constant pressure, like if you weren't successful by the time you were 25 someone would come to your house and shoot you on sight.

You hadn't seen Phillip since your little outburst the day before, you knew you owed him an apology, and you'd give him one once the embarrassment went away, he was growing on you, quite fast you might add, you hated that, and you also liked it, it's been a while since someone wanted you, like really "willing to leave my Porsche in town to walk with you home" want you.

For a second while you were brushing your teeth you thought maybe he actually wanted to go out with you, not just sleep with you. But the thought was dismissed, even if Phillip wanted to go out with you, it still wouldn't mean anything, it still wouldn't be something with a far future.

It was hotter today for some reason, the sun was shining hard and coming through the windows heating up the house, and after you drank a cup of coffee you concluded you were definitely hot. Outside was slightly cooler in the shade, but the sun was still heavy, fall was a weird season, and since you had the house to yourself, you decided to sunbathe.

You hadn't really packed a bikini but lucky for you, your mom kept a few of her older ones and you slid one on, noticing your boobs looked actually kind of good in it. Checking the weather you weren't surprised to find that it was going to be hot only after midday, fall was a weird season.

Laying a picnic blanket near the pool you laid back and relaxed under the warm sun, closing your eyes and thinking of nothing except your breathing. You ended up losing track of time, and when you decided your body temperature had risen significantly, you took yourself to the pool, it was clean, so why not?

You took two steps in before lunging forward to dive in the water and holy fuck it was cold, waay too cold, you swam over the surface and exhale, swimming to the steps and walking out back to the warm sun, you climbed back up the back porch to snatch a towel to wrap it around your body, you started to dry your hair absentmindedly when you turned and Phillip was standing there.

-OH SH...Jesus christ Phillip!- you exhaled, looking at him with wide eyes.

-Sorry! Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya- he said, giggling.

He was wearing sunglasses, and when you took a moment to actually look ay him, you noticed he was wearing a shirt with an un tied tie around his neck, and pants, but he was completely wet, his shirt sticking to his torso and his hair falling over his face. Your eyes stayed a bit too long on his chest and abs, well toned, and you cursed your own body for having a reaction to it.

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