What I Like and What I Don't

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Warning ⚠️: Angst
If you'd like to talk, my dms are open 💕

The thought made you panic, it made everything worse, not only were you at the start of the game, you didn't really want to be in that game. Your head started going off the same way it did back at the hotel in Chicago.

This is why you're a failure, this is why you're disappointing, why didn't you realize sooner??

You needed air, you needed a walk. You were going to go back to the house anyways but first you'd take some long detours around town.

What are you going to do now?

-I'll see you back home Horry- you flashed him a quick smile and headed for the door.

Just as you were approaching it there was a car's roar on the street, when you looked up a black Porsche pulled up a bit quickly to park a few feet from the store, you furrowed your brows at the unnecessary flashiness and walked out the door. As you were walking away you heard your name being called by a voice you knew.

You turned around to find Phillip trotting your way, you still couldn't decide if you wanted him to be there or not, you cursed the part that was actually kind of excited that he was smiling at you. His hair bounced with the last few steps he took your way and a short black curl fell on his forehead, making him look unnervingly good.

-Where you going?- he said, a bit breathless.

-Um just, home i guess- you shrugged.

He took a deep breath before speaking, why had he run to you? You weren't that far away, you felt kind of flattered that he wanted to talk to you so bad, a smirk took place on your face.

-Can i drive you?-he said, pointing backwards but looking down at you- I'm with the Porsche over there-

You raised your brows and nodded at his smug tone, uninterested, it was a really nice car, you laughed at yourself wondering if he was compensating for something.

-I see...well you know what they say about guys with nice cars- you couldn't help it.

For some reason his grin grew bigger.

-Wouldn't you like to know pigtails...-

You rolled your eyes, how did he always have a comeback, you had to bite your cheek not to smile though. One of last night's tingles ran down your stomach again, thinking maybe you did want to know. You looked up at him again, and remembered he was still offering to drive you.

-I was gonna walk actually-

-Okay then...- he said and started walking past you.

Your head turned fast, maybe a bit too fast, and he looked back at you.

-You coming?- he said, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket.

Again, you had to bite your cheek, but you stepped forward to catch up with him and hid your hands on your pockets, walking besides him, he smelled of cologne and a little leather, clearly from the seats of the fancy car. He gestured with the newly opened pack of cigarettes at you and you hesitated, but shook your head. You were in a crisis, but not enough to smoke, you guessed at least that was good.

-So you're just gonna leave the fancy car here?- you asked genuinely.

-Don't worry- he smirked- It's not going anywhere...-

He chuckled when you rolled your eyes yet again, and you couldn't think of a good comeback to throw back at him, so you just looked forward, allowing yourself to start thinking again, about the things that had made you choose your degree, all completely worthless reasons except for the monetary and social value of a solid career.

Someone Like You -Phillip Altman x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now