Chapter Ten - An Assignment with a Party on the Side

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Chapter Ten – An Assignment with a Party

In awe I stare at the house before me, not even aware that Harry had zoomed off to God knows where. It was something you would expect to see on Architectural Digest and I would know because of was a guilty fan of the magazine. I don't know if I've ever seen a house like it more so in this England, you would never think a house like that could exist in the UK in terms of intricate design and size but here I am blown away. It was modern yet old fashioned, an old soul in a young body, it was more than just a house it was piece thoughtfully crafted by the artist which created something so beautiful.

Think a blown-out version of small cottage that made from stone then think of this cottage with its corner made out of complete glass giving you a tease into their living room and what seems to be a bedroom upstairs. Instead of having a front porch, it's a side porch, a double side porch, a top and bottom beautifully decorated with flowers and intricate paintings. In a weird way it gave me Snow White and the seven dwarfs vibe in the way the cottage resembled it, it was picture perfect and it was where River Omar lived.

"Yaesar Omar is River's dad," Harry told me on the ride there. "You'll understand why I'm telling you once we get to his house."

I only shrugged in return because the name didn't ring any bells in my head and quite frankly, at the time, I didn't care about who's River's dad is. Now seeing the beautiful piece of architecture, the name Yaesar Malik ran through my mind rapidly turning every light bulb on and it made sense why I always thought River's name sounded familiar. Placing my awe behind me I walk up to the front door of the house and before I could even ring the doorbell, the door swung open.



I had seemed to have stop him in mid rush and was baffled to see me standing in front of him, his brows furrowed deeply as he looked around him before looking at me once more. I held the urge to roll my eyes at his childishness and zoomed into his outfit instead. River was dressed to impress; he wore navy blue suit trousers paired with a crisp white shirt and black dress shoes. To finish up the look he wore a navy-blue knee length coat that had a red collar and his hair was gelled back to perfection. I smirked briefly, silently loving the Draco Malfoy vibe that he looked like he was going for, there was a fashionista in River.

"What are you doing here?"

"Where are you going?" I retorted.

I titled my head and raised an eyebrow in which he replicated in reply, I rolled my eyes and sighed. He hadn't remembered our conversation after class yesterday, our agreement. I had sought to get back to normal and started going to my classes with that I decided that even though River deserved to complete our project himself after leaving me in the dust, I would still help. So, I found him and with little persuasion we agreed on meeting at his place today after classes to finish up the project.

"We have a project to do..." I trailed off, gesturing to the books in my hand.

" That was today?" I nodded. "Oh well change of plans, go home."

My jaw dropped as he continued his rush to get out of here and pushed past me. I blinked once then twice before I realised that I did not have the word 'mug' written on my forehead to come all the way here to not do what I came here to do. My blood boiled the more I thought about it and followed River, he had no right to drop everything like that and who was I to listen to him?

"How about you cancel your plans," I demand behind. "I'm sure the girl you're meeting will understand."

I followed him into his garage and was met with two rows of all kinds of vehicles on either side of me. We stopped in front of a matte black Jeep Wrangler and if I wasn't so mad at River I would be fangirling my heart out, doing the absolute most to showcase my love. The Jeep Wrangler was one of my all-time favourite cars, they were just so beautiful to me but I refused to give River any one up on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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