Chapter Seven - A Revelation

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Chapter seven – A Revelation

The lecturer, whose name I still don't know, wasn't lying that these toy babies acted like real ones. Actually, she neglected to mention that these babies were the exaggerated form of what babies are like because I am pretty damn sure no child has screamed the way the babies are screaming now. I couldn't tell how much noise complaints I've got in the last two weeks because of loud the screams were. They were so loud that police had to stop by and check if I was okay as neighbours thought I was being tortured by an abusive partner, which I was oddly glad about because I now knew I could count on my neighbours if I ever was. I also went ahead and named the babies, the boy being Milo and the girl, Maia. Other than the excessive screaming, I don't have a bad thing to say about looking after the babies except from the fact I'm looking after them myself.

Just like I said I texted River to sort how we are going to do this project and of course I didn't get any response from him at all. So I tried again the next time I saw him face to face which ended in false promises of coming over for us to plan and work together. After that, I didn't bother and took the role of single mum of twins, as I liked to call them, all I can say is shout out to all the single mums out there, it is not easy.

"Here, let me help," Nile offered and took Milo off me.

"Thank you," I smiled up at him.

I decided to go on Harry's word and went to see Nile and to my overthinking brain's surprise he was understanding and did not believe a word Lewis and River said. The response had rendered me speechless which gave Nile the confidence to ask if I would be his officially, you could imagine my extended shock but nevertheless I said yes. Envious fury sparked within me as I watched Milo's wails turned to coos in Nile's arms, it happened every time he held them which irked me because last time I checked I was supposed to be the mother in this situation and I can't calm down a fake kid.

"I knew I shouldn't his word this our assignment my damn backfoot." I mocked and let my head fall onto Nile's shoulder.

"He's an arsehole for making you do this by yourself," He wrapped his arm around me. "But luckily you got me."

"And me." Leila added as she popped out of her room and placed herself between Nile and me. That same moment both Milo and Maia were at peace and silently cooing to themselves so I laid them on the floor in front of us, too tired to take them to their cot. I wonder why this assignment isn't available to teenagers, an hour with having to look after they would reconsider if sex is worth it or be extra careful with protection, this is coming from twenty-one-year-old.

"Call me odd for even thinking like this but if you and River ever decided to make babies that is what you'll create."

I kissed my teeth loudly and screwed Leila, which she responded with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the toy twins in front of me that were robotically moving their arms and legs. I can agree that the babies looked very realistic but Leila was going overboard by insisting they look like River and me. I think it's the curly hair and light skin is why she got to that conclusion but it still didn't make sense to me. I open my mouth to reply but I'm stopped by the pinging of my phone and answer it instead which turned out to be Harry making sure I'm still coming to see him.

"You only said that because the damn babies look mixed race." Nile scoffed, with me nodding along with him.

"No...they have your nose, cheek structure and eyes." Nile and I turned to Leila incredulously before we turned to each with snorts forcing their way out of our mouths.

"You're very funny for that Lei, but only the only babies Amaka is having are the ones I put inside her."

Saliva went down the wrong hole and I was gasping for air; shock wasn't even the word to describe I how felt. In the time I've know Nile, not once did I suspect he could be so vulgar because lord knows he wasn't talking like that last week. My choking died down but I still was inhaling and exhaling to get my breathing straight, I glanced at Leila whose lips gawked at Nile. Times like this I wondered if I truly knew Nile, gathered we only met weeks ago I can't help but wonder if his reserved and quiet self is just a façade. Or he might have grown comfortable with us and feel no need to shy away, however that comment was bit unnerving and triggered memories I thought I successfully got rid of.

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