"Tell me!" He hissed, cutting my moving abruptly as he pressed every inch of his body into mine, leaving not a pocket of air between us. "Who dare put his hand on what's mine!?"

"None of your damn business. Who I've had romantic affairs with in the past is none of your concern. I could have 10 lovers, 10 dozen in fact. I can have one as of right now and that should not concern you for I. Am. Not. Yours." I exclaimed, ranting.

I was bluffing, I had never had any man as a boyfriend or lover or whatever. It was just fun to show him his place once a while.

After all, I wasn't anyone's.

His next words were spoken calmly, only it wasn't a nice friendly calm, this was the calm before striking of a tsunami, calm before you saw death.

"Let this be known to you little warrior and let it be the last I mention it because I do not share little one. I will rip apart any man that dares think he's brave enough to touch and take what is rightfully mine and I will make you watch as I do it so that you remember who the real man is. Then..." Something too cruel of a smile tugged at the corner of his lip for barely a second. Then I felt him breathe down my neck and chuckle diabolically. Oh.. Oh my..

"Then I will punish you for even thinking of touching another man while you should be wondering of touching me." Oh my god that was hot! What- No! That wasn't hot! That was utterly arrogant and chauvinistic and swe- No!

He moved, just barely so that we could see each other eye to eye, his body still tightly pressed against mine as I struggled in vain for words.

"Regio I-"

"Tell me the names little one or I won't be responsible for the bodies that'll adorn the floor below us by tomorrow."

"I was joking-"

"Joking!?" The word of hissed, the sound deliciously threatening. I nodded frantically, my legs feeling weak. "Is that another lie little o-"

"I have never lied to you! Let go!" I spoke, trying to sound stern.

"Tell me I'm the only one that's ever made you feel this." He rubbed his body on me in a way that made me moan softly, my head lulling back involuntarily as if inviting him. "That I'm the only man that has held you this intimately. Am I little warrior?" Am I the only one for you?" My head had nodded in agreement before his words even registered in my mind.

"Last warning little one- do not tempt me by speaking of being romantically or physically involved with another man, you tempt the beast one too many times, you'll find yourself tied to a bed with me fucking you mercilessly as I mark you as mine. Do. Not. Tempt. Me. The thought of you with another man makes me wish to wipe off every male off the face of earth. Remember that the next time you joke of being with another man. You are mine. You belong only to me. No one else."

I expected him to let go of me after that. He didn't though. He did however, wrap his hand around my waist tightly as he arched my back into his chest.

"Rex-" I didn't know what to say. My insides had melted into nothing and not a part of my brain was sane enough after his words. I didn't know whether to be scared, angry or swoon at his words.

Sure there had been a part of me that was angry at his claiming but there was another part that just couldn't help itself. It liked his possessiveness over me.

"I- Give me my phone back!" Yes! Bravo! A complete sentence without any stutters. Rex rested his forehead on mine, chuckling softly and letting my hands go.

"You are too pure for this goddamn world Valerie. Not at all tainted by the viciousness of this planet. I'll never let you part with that innocence darling, and I thoroughly plan on enjoying it as well." What is he on about?

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