The shock[Shoto x Reader Hanahaki(pt1)]

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For as long as you can remember you have
Had one of the biggest crushes on Shoto Todoroki but you didn't know if he liked you back, but you would soon find your answer when you walk in on him and Momo kissing.


You had forgotten your lunch in your bag so you went to go get it but as soon as you opened the door you where met with the heart shattering sight of Todoroki and Yomomo kissing. As soon as they took notice of your presence you could tell that Momo was happy that you walked in on them cuz she was one of the only girls in class 1A who knew that you liked todoroki.

Oh umm sorry I must have obviously interrupted...

You said feeling the tears start to pricle at the corners of your eyes.
You quickly stormed out of the classroom and ran all the way to the 1A dorms.As soon as you got there you rushed to your room and locked yourself in and for the rest of the day you just layed in your bed and cried.

Hey, Y/n are you ok,we saw you run past us at lunch and something just seemed off...Do you want us to come in?

Asked Jiro along with Mina and Ururaka.

N-no, I'm f-fine, I was just t-tired that's all...

You said through your tears trying to make your voice sound as normal as possible.

Oh um ok then, well the class order some chines food and it should be here any minute now so if you wanna join us well all be together in the lounge...

Said Ururaka with a sweet and soft voice.

Y-yea I'll be down in a few...

You said. After a few minutes of freshening up you went downstairs, and just in time as the food was being set out on the table.

Smells good.

You said plastering a smile on your face.

Y/N!!! Oh thank goodness your ok you seemed really off when you left the school!!!

Kirishima said giving you a warm and welcoming hug and of course you happily huged him back.

You all sat down and started eating, after a wile you said that you would help clear the table and do the dishes. After washing the dishes you made your way back to the longer where all of class 1A was sitting and talking about life and other stuff(dear Evan Hansen refrance) when you sat down next to Mina you noticed that Shoto and Momo sitting together, you then notice Momo whisper something in Shotos ear and him start to laugh which was a really rare sight. You then started to feel a sharp staving pain in your chest and all the sudden started coughing.

Hey y/n you ok?

Deku asked concern laced in his voice.

Yea I'm fi-

You where cut off by the sudden urge to rush to the restroom. You quickly jumped to your feet and ran to the bathroom in your dorm. You leaned over the toilet bowl and started coughing and hacking. After a few minutes of coughing,hacking and grabbing at your chest you finally stopped and you stood up. You went to flush the handle of the toilet and when you looked down in the toilet bowl you noticed something that shocked you enough to make you as pale as a ghost....

Well that was the first chapter and boy was I happy to finally get to write this and its 596 words.....DAAAAAMN!!!! But I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of my hanahaki series



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