A Message

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I slowly crept towards the Voltaris camp we were invading. Gallaniara was just behind me, along with the rest of our group, apart from our team leader, who was Thalleous. Obviously Gallaniara and I had our Songs activated, which hid our true marking colours. 
Thalleous put his hand up, signalling us to stop.
“We're close, be careful,” he said in a low tone.
He started creeping forward again, behind a Voltaris sitting on a log. They had their back turned, not knowing that they were about to meet their end. Thalleous grabbed them in a headlock and pulled them off the log, while covering their mouth so they didn't make any noise. He grabbed a dagger he had in his inventory, removed the headlock he had on them, and cut their throat and their vocal cords so they couldn't scream. Thalleous dropped them to the ground, their markings going black, and drew his greatsword.
“Attack!” He shouted, pointing his greatsword forward. 
I drew my sparkling diamond sword and advanced on the closest Voltaris to me. They had drawn their sword as soon as they had heard Thalleous’ shout. They took up a defensive position and waited for me to attack. I lowered my sword and looked at them a bit confused. Voltaris always attack first, so why weren't they?
Taking advantage of my state, they grabbed my arm and pulled me into the trees surrounding their camp.
“Are you Abalyes?” They asked. I looked at them surprised. 
“Um, yeah,” I replied, getting over being surprised quickly.
“I was hoping I would come across you. Anyway,” they eyed my green markings, “I hope you aren't lying.”
“I'm not. I have a Supporillusion Song.”
“Okay then. I was sent with this group to help deliver a message,” they handed me a piece of paper, “keep it safe, and deliver it to Master Ingressus.”
“Injure me so you don't look suspicious.”
I sighed. “Okay.” I cut along their leg so they couldn't walk for a while. They hissed in pain and dropped to the ground.
“Yep, that works. Now just leave me here. Either someone else will kill me, or my group will find me.”
I nodded and walked away from them, back into the small battle that was raging in the Voltaris’ camp. Gallaniara stabbed her sword through a Voltaris and winced. I could tell she didn't like killing our own clan off, and neither did I. 
I parried a blow a Voltaris swung at me and knocked them to the ground. I hesitated before stabbing my blade into them, and that earned a weird look from one of my teammates. 
I looked around at the camp we invaded, and every Voltaris was dead. Gallaniara came over to me.
“Where did you go before?” She asked me in a hushed tone.
“A Voltaris had a message they wanted me to deliver to Ingressus,” I replied in an equally hushed tone.
“Would I be able to have a look at it?”
“Sure. I haven't read it yet though.”

We sat on a log back at our camp to read the message. The piece of paper sat between us while we read it. It read;

The Voltaris are almost dead. We have to stop! 
If you keep on sending us, we will rebel and make Tygren our leader. He seems more fit for the title. 
-Marita Voltaris

“Ingressus messed up badly. Even our clan is turning on him, slowly,” Gallaniara commented. I nodded in agreement. 
I flipped over the paper to see if there was anything on the back, previously hidden by the folds in the paper. There was;

Tygren has a son. We don't know who the mother is yet. We'll keep an eye on him and his son to get information that will be important in the future. We'll also keep you updated on this.

“That happened quickly,” Gallaniara said.
“Yep. We haven't been gone from Mt Velgrin all that long,” I said.
“A couple years can be a long time. But for us, it isn't really,” Thalleous said, startling Gallaniara and I.
“Yeah, okay. What are you here for?” Gallaniara asked him.
“I'm just checking up on you two.”
“Yeah right,” I scoffed.
“Alright, I'll go then.”
“I'm kidding. You can stay if you want.”

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now