The Turning Tide

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I walked in the direction of the main camp alone, since Gallaniara had decided to sit this meeting out. When I was close enough to the main camp, I activated my Song, making my markings turn green.
"Abalyes Kaltaris! Where have you been?" A female Sendaris said, running up to greet me. "Where's your sister?"
"She decided to sit this meeting out," I answered. "How have you been Taria?"
"I haven't been bad or good really."
"Why's that?"
"We're getting beaten back by the Nether forces. It's taking a huge toll on us." She paused. "Come on, I better tell the others you have returned."
I followed her to the meeting.

As we entered the meeting, a Kaltaris spoke. "What are we ment to do? Our armies are being defeated each and every time we fight the Nether forces," they said.
"Abalyes Kaltaris has returned," Taria said, motioning towards me. I was standing right next to her.
"Where's Gallaniara?"
"She has decided to sit this one out." The Kaltaris looked at me suspiciously.
"So sorry I'm late," Thalleous said, not actually meaning the apology, and saving me from maybe having to lie. It wasn't my fault Gallaniara had decided to sit this meeting out, she just found them very stressful.
"That's fine. We need to decide on how we are going to attack the Nether armies. Any suggestions?" The Kaltaris leader asked.
"I may be able to help," an unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turned around to see a Nestoris, his golden markings shining in the daylight. "I am Achillean Nestoris." I froze as I recognized his name. I had killed his older brother.
"Okay. What's your suggestion?"
"I have been trained and I've been told multiple times that I could be a great leader. Would I be able to take a team under my command?"
The Kaltaris thought for a moment. "Yes, we can give you a team to try out."
"Thank you. I will do my best."

"Can I introduce you to someone?" Taria asked me afer the meeting.
"Sure," I said with a smile.
She lead me through the crowd of people, over to Thalleous and a female Sendaris.
"Abalyes, this is Sylvanas Sendaris. I'm pretty sure you already know Thalleous." I held out a hand for Sylvanas to shake, and she shook it.
"Lovely meeting you. And Taria, it's nice to know that you have other friends that aren't us," Sylvanas said.
"Syl, seriously?"
Sylvanas smiled. "It's not a bad thing. It just means your opening up to people a bit more."

I went back to my camp after talking to them for a while.

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now