How It Could've Ended

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Two weeks had passed since I had killed Iferenas Nestoris, and I was slowly lapsing into serious depression.

Gallaniara walked into our room as one of my knifes glided over my forearm, cutting a shallow cut.
"Abalyes! Don't do that!" She yelled and ran over to me, snatching the knife off of me. I looked up at her, my eyes misting over. "Please, I don't want to lose you."
I stayed silent. She wrapped me in a tight hug and we stayed like that for a couple minutes.
Ingressus walked in on us.
"Uh, Abalyes, if you were wondering who is brother is, his brother is Achillean Nestoris," he said awkwardly.
I let go of Gallaniara and looked at him with an expression that said 'why did you tell me this?'. He shifted his feet in the entrance. Gallaniara broke the awkward silence.
"Abalyes, give all of of your knives to me," she insisted. I looked at her and then gave in and gave her the other knife she knew about. "Your sword counts as one giant knife." She motioned to my sword that was leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes, got up and gave it to her.

Once nightfall arrived, and Gallaniara was fast asleep, I crept out of our room and sat on the edge of a cliff.
I got my third knife, the one she didn't know about, out. I watched the moonlight reflect off of the shiny blade and saw red reflected in it. I turned around and saw Tygren there, he sat down next to me.
"I don't think I've told you this. I'm sorry about what Lucidius did, he shouldn't of done that. I know I shouldn't be the one apologizing, but I know that he won't do it," Tygen said. He actually looked guilty. He shifted uncomfortably. "And I thought you might want some company."
"Thank you," I said, slightly smiling.
My smile faded as my mind drifted back to the memory of my sword stabbing Iferenas' chest. I gripped the edge of the cliff. Tygren noticed something was wrong.
"Abalyes?" I was almost falling off the edge I was leaning so far over. He was about to attempt to push me back when I forced myself off of the edge.
I felt Tygren grab my wrist before I was out of reach. I looked up and saw Tygren adjust himself so he was flat on his stomach, now with both hands and their iron grip around my wrist.
"Let go!" I half yelled, half snarled.
"I will NOT let go!" Tygren said. There was fear in his eyes.
"I guess I'll have to pull you down as well then."
He was silent for a moment.
"Ingressus! Gallaniara! Someone help!" I heard many footsteps quickly approach."I've got her for now, but I can't hold on forever."
"I have the Supporium Prime. I can get her up," I heard Ingressus say. "Someone, be ready to grab her when she's high enough."
I saw the green bubbles of a Supporium Song around me as I was lifted up.
When I was high enough, Tygren wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me against him. I sort of liked the warmth that he radiated.
He then let go as Gallaniara came running up to me.
"Don't ever do that again," she said into my ear as she pulled me into a tight hug.
"No promises," I mumbled.
"No, I am being serious, don't ever do that again." Gallaniara looked into my eyes when she said that. We stood in silence for a moment. "Come on, it's like the middle of the night now. We should get some sleep."

Abalyes VoltarisWhere stories live. Discover now