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Gallaniara had agreed to train me, since my mother wasn't a born fighter. We had to do it behind my father's back, since he didn't want me to be trained. Gallaniara also helped Drekader train.

I watched my brother parry one of Gallaniara's heavy blows. He was slightly struggling, like I did. I could tell he was slowly weakening by the swings he did, and how he fended off Gallaniara.
She had opened up and told me a bit about her training and what it was like, but there were still a lot of details missing. Gallaniara told me that she was trained alongside her brother, Ingressus, and that she could beat him, but with a lot of effort.
Gallaniara swung her sword at Drekader and he hardly blocked it. The impact of the swords made him drop his, and it landed near my feet. Gallaniara must've hit hard. He put his hands up in surrender.
"Gallaniara, I'm done for today," Drekader panted. She gave him a smile and he walked over to me with shaky legs, probably about to collapse at any given moment. I gave him an amused smile and he rolled his eyes in return. My little brother has a lot of sass by the looks of it.
"Ready Abalyes?" Gallaniara asked me, pointing her wooden sword to my brother's, that was still on the ground. There were only two swords, so we had to share. I grabbed it and made my way over to her.
She got into a ready position and I mimicked her move. Gallaniara suddenly swung her sword at my head, and I ducked quickly underneath it. She was going hard on me, unlike the other times we had trained before this. She was hardly giving me any time to react and it was tiring me out fast. I managed to get back far enough so I was out of her range, and I noticed she had quite an angry expression.
"Gallaniara, wait," I said just as she was about to advance on me again. She stopped. "What's wrong?" Gallaniara seemed surprised by the question. She didn't show it very well, but I could still see the hints of it.
"Nothing's wrong," she replied. I looked at her with doubt.
"Something has to be wrong, otherwise you wouldn't look like you want to kill something."
A slight smile came across her face, but it quickly disappeared. "This training we have just reminds me of my life before the... attack happened."
I wanted to question it further, but I held myself back. "Okay."

For the rest of the time we were sparring, Gallaniara went easier on me. She was in a better mood for the time as well.

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