That's Crazy!

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Gallaniara and I had been with the Voltaris on Mt Velgrin for almost a month. All of Ardonia was at war, trying and failing to fight the Nether forces.

We were all called into a meeting by Ingressus late at night.
"We are outmatched against the forces of the Ardoni, we need to find someone to help us. I do have someone in mind, but I must make sure everyone agrees," Ingressus said.
"Who do you have in mind?" Gallaniara asked.
"The Nether armies."
"WHAT?! Are you absolutely insane?!"
Ingressus ignored his sister's sudden outburst.
"They will help us. I'm not doubting that."
"Do you realise that once they take over the Overworld and End, they will just toss you to the side and kill you?"
"We will be ready for that." Gallaniara glared at her brother.
"You will not be ready. They will strike you with everything and bring you down like you were nothing in the first place." Everyone in the room was silent, waiting for the siblings to finish their argument. Ingressus and Gallaniara were glaring at each other. "I'm not participating in this suicide mission."
"I won't be either," I said, backing Gallaniara up.
"Fine, go. You won't last a minute out there with this war raging across Ardonia," Ingressus snarled.
"We'll see what happens."

Gallaniara and I started packing our packs.
"Got your sword?" Gallaniara asked. I nodded. "Look, we'll be fine out there."
"It's not that I'm thinking about, it's the fact that you will be leaving your brother," I said. Gallaniara sighed.
"I'll see him again. Hopefully when he's sane again though." I slightly laughed, Gallaniara joining in.

After about ten minutes, we had finished packing since we didn't have much in the first place.
As we started heading out of the entrance of our room, I felt the same iron grip that was around my wrist one time.
It was Tygren.
"I wanted to wish you good luck on your journey. Both of you," he said.
He was still holding my arm and we were gazing into each others eyes. Once we realized what we were doing, Tygren let go of my arm and looked away from my eyes.
"You be safe as well," I said.
We left him and walked to the path we had been on when we had first arrived here. I had thought Ingressus might say goodbye, but he must be still annoyed at Gallaniara.
We started walking down the path, not sure of where to go next.

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