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    Overhaul woke up with a gasp, he felt warm tears fall down his face. He remember the horrible dream he just had, Izuku's death. He looked around his room to see his and Izuku's clothes thrown about of the floor, sighed he finally looked over to the other side of the bed. He was expecting it to be empty but to his surprise a familiar mop of green hair laid on the polled, he laid back down and hugged the young boy to his bare chest. A murmur escaping Izuku's lips, he flipped over and opened one eye.
   Both eyes shot open once he noticed that Overhaul was crying, he wrapped his arms arms around the older man and pepper kissed his face. " tell me what happened, please." He begged,  holding Overhaul as he sobbed. The brown haired man took a deep breath, he kissed Izuku lightly on the lips. " Heroes came, they...your friend. Kastuki Bakugo, he went to kill me, he wanted to 'save' you. You ran in front of me, he...killed you, I could save you. Why couldn't I save you, I have to protect you. " He held Izuku closer, they're bodies squished together.  Izuku pulled away, staring into his lover's golden eyes.
   "It'll be okay,I promise you." Izuku kissed Overhaul, the older man soon gaining dominance. He pinned the boy down, wanting to claim him once more. And after he'll start his adventure with the green head,  becoming the next best villains.

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