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      ShigarakI ran at Overhaul but was stopped by muttering, he looked back to see Izuku rapidly drawing and writing in his burnt notebook. His tounge stuck out of his mouth and kicked his lips before he bit his bottom lip, Overhaul smiled at his behavior before going back to his cold appearance. The Pecan man turned and left, the three people left shortly after. Izuku frowned and closed his notebook " I wasn't done.. " he muttered, standing up and walking through the portal that showed up. He sat on a couch and pulled out his phone, on the lock screen showed ten messages, five from Kazuki and the other five from his mother.
He opened Kastuki's contact first, reading each message slowly.
'You're lying. Izuku isn't dead! Tell me where he is!' 12:01 p.m
'I'm not falling for that bullshit' 12:45 p.m
'Oi, 'docter' say something!' 1:04 p.m
'Dumbass' 1: 37 p.m
'Fine, I'll just find him myself.' 2:19 p.m
Izuku shook his head and sighed, catching the attention of Dabi and ShigarakI. They sat beside him and looked over his shoulders at the phone, Izuku clicked on his mother's contact and read them with the two other boys.
'Izuku, please tell me that Bakugo isn't right.' 12:06 p.m
'Honey, answer me. Are you okay?' 12:09 p.m
' please tellme you aren't dead!' 12:16 p.m
'I'm scared Izuku...' 12:25 p.m
'Did your friends hurt you??' 12:30 p.m
Izuku smiled with tears in his eyes,he quickly texted his mother. He hated seeing her upset, the two boys beside him had left after reading the texts. They now sat at the table and drank liquor, Kyrogiri shook his head but have them more anyway.
' Hey mom, no I'm not dead and no my friends didn't hurt me. I'm a villain now, they are like my new family. Toga's my sister, Shigaraki's my brother, Dabi'so my best friend and kurogiri is like a second mom. I will miss you but I think you'llbe just fine without me, Kastupid always told me that. Bye, I love you.'
       Izuku pushed send and turned his phone off, walking to his room and pulling out his notebook. He opened to the newest page, Overhaul was written in neat handwriting at the top. He drew down his appearance and quirk, along with the other people he was with. He smiled and stared at the page, he muttered to himself.
" he's interesting..." he shut the notebook and got ready for bed, even if it was only 4 in the afternoon.

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