Chapter Forty Five

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Avantika skipped along down the hall, leading Arnav to Khushi's temporary room. It turned out to be a guest bedroom that was only around the corner from Arnav's bedroom.

Going into the room, Avantika turned the light on and Arnav went over to the bed, placing Khushi down.

"I'll leave the future bride and groom to be," Avantika grinned, and she left, shutting the door behind her.

Arnav and Khushi looked at each other, before quickly looking away, blushing.

"I, uh... um... I didn't know mom... yeah," Arnav said lowly.

Khushi peeked up at him.

"I mean... I mean I just found out she knew today! And she only got her hunches confirmed today! So why...?"

Khushi pursed her lips, looking down at her hands in her lap.

Arnav looked at her, not saying anything for a moment, and then took her hands in his. Khushi immediately looked at him and then at their joined hands.

"As surprising as it is... I'm actually kinda glad."

Her eyes darted up to his.

"It means I can have you all to myself, forever."

Blush spread across her cheeks as a small smile took over her lips. Arnav took her into her arms, hugging her as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"It's nice to know that there's actually a ray of sunshine on this crappy day," Arnav murmured.

Khushi let out a sigh, melting into him.

"You are okay with it, though... aren't you?"

Pulling back slightly, Khushi looked up to see Arnav looking at her nervously.

"I mean, Mom did kind of just throw it out there so...?"

She smiled at him softly and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"So that means... you...?"

It's nice to see you at a loss of words, she smiled.

"I... wow... I mean... um...."

Arnav nodded, pursing his lips, and then he pulled Khushi back to him, hugging her.

"Well... that can wait for another day. Right now, all that matters is you're okay," and he rested his cheek against her head.


Several days passed by, everyone's concern remaining on Khushi. However, Khushi was doing just fine, the nurse having left. However, Amoli refused to let her out of her sight, nor let her work, so Khushi was to remain in bed and was not allowed to take a single step outside of it.

But why, Khushi exclaimed to herself. I can't just sit here all day! I have to-!

"Someone's scowling again."

Khushi snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see Arnav. He walked in with a grin, his arms crossed, and he stood by the foot of the bed.

"I see someone doesn't feel like listening to Ma whatsoever," he smirked, arching his brow.

Khushi scowled at him. Somehow this is your fault, I know it!

"Is that your blaming face? Cause I'll have you know that mom and I just think alike and hate it when you work; this is all her."

Mm hmm, sure!

"Anyways, everybody is still out at that party, which gives us some time alone."

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