Chapter Nine

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Khushi made her way to the back of the house and ran out. She continued to run until she reached the servant's quarters. There were a few houses that housed several of the workers. Some had enough money and owned their own place. Others who weren't as fortunate, or needed to be at the house quick and early, lived here. Khushi and another maid, Bhromor, lived in their own cottage.

Khushi went running up the steps and entered the house. She went dashing into her room, passing Bhromor on the way.

"Khushi," Bhromor called after her, but Khushi didn't stop.

Khushi ran up to her room and shut the door behind her. She leaned back on it and caught her breath.

Bhromor came up and knocked on Khushi's door. "Khushi? Are you okay? Open the door."

Khushi calmed her racing heart and opened the door slightly. She peeked out and looked at Bhromor.

"Are you okay," Bhromor asked. "Avantika told me about what happened."

Khushi nodded and gave a meek smile.

"Why did you run in like that?"

Khushi shook her head, brushing off the topic.

"Well, you better get ready quick."

Khushi nodded and shut the door behind her. Bhromor looked at the door dubiously for a moment and then she left. Khushi heard Bhromor's footsteps getting fainter and fainter and then she sighed. Knowing Bhromor, she definitely would've pushed her on, but luckily for Khushi, she hadn't.

Khushi went to her bed and bent down. She pulled out her trunk and opened it up. Inside it were numerous diaries, all hers. Once she finished the pages of a diary, she would lock it up in this chest. She would also keep her current diary in there, just to be safe. Khushi took out her diary, grabbed a pen off of her desk, and began to write:

Dear Diary,

Today started off in the weirdest way ever. Last night that happened again.... I ended up sleeping in Di's room. It took a while to fall asleep but eventually I did.

I don't blame Arnav - he didn't know. But now... I can no longer hide it from him. Now that Avantika has told him, he knows everything! I just know he won't stop bothering me with this now!

But the main reason why I'm writing so early is because of what happened earlier. I woke up and found Arnav asleep in front of me! He had his hand in my hair, almost as if he were blessing me or something. What I don't get is why he was there. Was it out of guilt? Regardless, I know what he thinks of me and how he feels for me. There's no need for him to act all mighty and caring -_-

Anywho, off to work I go!

Khushi put her diary away and quickly got ready. Ready for the day ahead, she dashed out of the house and went running back to the mansion. She went straight into the kitchen and helped out with breakfast. Once it was ready, she took it to the dining room. No one had come down yet...

Or so she thought.


Khushi stilled at Arnav's voice.

Arnav entered the room and walked on over to Khushi. "How are you feeling?"

Khushi pursed her lips and glanced back at him. She saw the concern on his face but she remembered his words from years before. Turning away, she walked back to the kitchen. Arnav scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

Why'd she make that face, he wondered.

"Good morning Chote."

Arnav turned and saw Deviyani walking in with a smile.

"Morning Nani," he replied.

Her smile turned into a frown. "Why do you look so confused?"


Khushi came walking in with more food in her hands. Arnav looked at her and she paused and glanced at him. Deviyani noticed the small exchange, but she said nothing. Khushi looked at her and gave her smile, her way of saying good morning.

"Good morning Khushi," Deviyani smiled.

Khushi placed down the bowl in her hands. Just as she did, Vijay and Amoli came in.

"Good morning Khushi," they both said.

Khushi gave them all a smile. She was about to head back when Deviyani held her hand.

"Avantika told us what happened," she said softly. "How are you feeling now?"

Khushi gave her a smile, reassuring Deviyani that she was completely fine. Amoli went over to Khushi and placed her hand on her head with a small smile. Khushi gave her a small smile back and went back to work.

"She shows so much strength to us, but on the inside, she broken," Amoli said sadly. "She yearns to be loved.... Won't my child ever get that?"

Vijay placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Someday."

Anjali and Avantika, who were standing in the doorway had heard what their mother had said. The two glanced at each other and then looked at Arnav, who was looking in the direction Khushi had gone. The two turned away and leaned against the wall.

"There just might be a way mother," Avantika said mischievously.

Anjali nudged her arm. "No need to sound like a villain. Take this seriously."

Avantika rubbed her arm. "Geez, okay."

Anjali shook her head. "We need to get a way to Chote get interested in her."

"Uh, hello? Did you not just see him gazing the way Khushi went?"

"I mean more. Just gazing at her won't do anything. They need to be around each other more. Who knows... maybe he'll get her to laugh."

Both girls were quiet for a moment and then gasped. "That's it," they shrieked.

Making up a plan, they both headed into the dining room and took their seats. They both glanced at Arnav and then looked at each other. Their lips quirked up and before anyone could notice, they began to eat their breakfast.

Unfortunately for them, someone had noticed the exchange.

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