Chapter Two

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Lunch was complete and Khushi went out to the patio. She watered all of the plants, then went out to the yard to check on the vegetables that were growing.

Suddenly, the sound of barking came from the distance and from behind the bushes, out came running a golden retriever. As he came running closer, Khushi crouched down to her knees and opened her arms. The dog came running up to her and Khushi gave him a hug.

Khushi smiled as the dog licked her with kisses. She stopped him and gave him a kiss then motioned him to follow her. She found his ball and showed it to him, wondering if he wanted to play. The dog was ready, panting for the ball. Khushi threw the ball and the dog went running.

"Good arm!"

Khushi turned around and saw Avantika. She came down the steps and stood beside her. Just as she did, the dog came running back, the ball in his mouth. He dropped the ball down in front of Khushi and wagged his tail.

"Good boy Bruce," Avantika grinned.

Bruce barked.

Khushi smiled and picked up the ball. She threw it again and Bruce went running after it. As Bruce ran off into the distance, a faint meow was heard. Khushi turned and saw Pepper, her kitty, walking on the patio ledge. She went over to her and picked her up.

"Hey there Pepper," Avantika smiled. "Such a cute little kitty!"

Pepper purred as Khushi stroked her fur.

"Khushi, what can't you do? You take care of the house, take care of the family, are amazing with the pets, and you fill up everyone's hearts! You aren't a person Khushi, but a saint," Avantika smiled.

Khushi faintly smiled.

"You make everyone smile in this family – me, Ma, Papa, Nani, Di, Bhai-"

Avantika pursed her lips and peeked at Khushi. Khushi looked down at Pepper and slowly stroked her back.

"Well, you just might," Avantika said. "After all you do like him."

Khushi looked down. No, that was before. But you don't know that....

Avantika wrapped her arm around Khushi. "Now that Bhai's back, maybe there's a chance between you two. When we were younger, you made me swear not to tell him and I've kept my end of the bargain."

Khushi looked at her, cocking an eyebrow.

"O-okay, so I told Di. So what? That wasn't the deal."

Khushi rolled her eyes.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me! I said I was sorry, like, a gazillion times!"

Khushi shook her head and placed Pepper in Avantika's arms and went over to Bruce, who had come back with the ball. She took it once more and threw the ball, and Bruce went after it.

"Khushi," Avantika said, going over to her again, "have faith! Maybe something might happen between you two. You never know!"

No... he only sees me as a servant. Nothing more. We were once something. We were once best friends. Now... now we're nothing.

"I wonder how Bhai feels about you. I can't wait for him to get moment alone with you and talk-"

Khushi looked down and Avantika pursed her lips. She placed her hand on Khushi's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Khushi. Sometimes I just blab away and-"

Khushi shook her head and gave her a smile.

Avantika smiled sadly. "Bhai doesn't even know what happened. You didn't let us tell him anything," she said sadly. "You knew how he'd react once he received the news."

Khushi looked away. He wouldn't have cared about what happened to me. But for them....

"Bhai would have ditched-"

"What would I ditch?"

Khushi and Avantika turned and saw Arnav standing on the patio. He came down the steps and joined the two.

"You would always ditch me, that's what," Avantika frowned.

Arnav smirked and messed with her hair.

Avantika pulled away. "I'm not kid anymore!"

Arnav chuckled.

Bruce came running back with the ball and Khushi bent down to hug him.

"Is that Bruce," Arnav asked.

"The one and the only," Avantika said.

"Hey boy!"

Bruce went over to Arnav as he crouched down. Bruce licked away as Arnav ran his fingers through his fur.

"Did you miss me? I bet you did! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?!"

Khushi smiled as she watched Arnav play with Bruce. She remembered the old days and how Arnav was crazy for that dog. He would always play with Bruce, take him out for walks, and take care of him. She remembered how for a while he was obsessed with Bruce and totally forgot about her. 

Avantika went over to Khushi and gave Pepper back to her. Khushi took the little kitty and headed back inside.

"Wait Khushi!"

Khushi froze at the sound of Arnav's voice. She turned slightly so that she could look back at him.

"Where are all of Bruce's toys?"

"What, you can't ask me," Avantika said, coming to Khushi's rescue.

"Oh? You're not scared of him anymore," Arnav teased.

Avantika frowned. "I was only 13 and he came running my way," she defended.

Arnav chuckled and petted Bruce on the side.

"Besides, I'm getting a puppy very soon."

"You are?"

"Mm hmm. A cute husky."

"What about the cat," Arnav asked, pointing at Pepper.

"The person selling him to me has cats as well. He's been around cats so it's all good. But just to be safe, someone will always be around when those two are in the same room together."

"That's good."

While Arnav was busy with dog talk, Khushi slipped away back into the house. Just as she made it inside, she sighed in relief.

"How long are you going to hide it from him?"

Khushi's head whipped up and she saw Anjali standing in front of her.

"You won't be able to hide it forever, Khushi. He's going to find out."

Khushi looked down.

"I know you think-"

Khushi shook her head in denial, knowing that Anjali would try to defend her brother again. Anjali opened her mouth to say something, when Deviyani called out for Khushi. Using this as her escape, Khushi quickly dashed away.

Anjali sighed. "He does care for you though," she said sadly.

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