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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated, I was at a school camp thingy ;P I just got back today and I FINALLY got my wifi back today :DD Anyway, I'm kinda going to make this up as I go so bear with me if it sounds a little crappy. It's kinda late and I'm tired, but I'm listening to a song that just like inspired me to make a quick chapter so yepp ;3

"I-I-I-IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR" She yelled out pointing directly at you. "IT WAS HER!!! SHE DID THIS!!" 

The cops came over and sat both of you down into the car. 

"You ladies are going home IMMEDIATELY and your parents WILL be informed." Said the 1st cop turning around to look at you, adjusting his hat. You thought about this. Oh no, if my mom finds out she'll kill me! I-I- can't do this anymore. No one understands how upset she get's when she's angry. She get's drunk calls me horrible things and everything! You looked out the window and began to tear up. You can just imagine it. You had a quick flashback.


You're 9 years old and your father has been deported out of the state. Your mother is furious and began marching out of the room. A few hours later she came back wobbling from side-to-side drunk as ever.

"Mom....are you okay?" You said slowly wiping away tears.

"Sh-hs-sh- up" She said with her eyes twitching and her struggling to walk properly. "Mom-"

"GOD I HATE YOU-U-! Y-OU'RE SO *hiccup* FUCKING FAT!!! LO-SE SOME WEIGHT, GOD!!" She screamed out throwing her alcohol bottle across the room causing it to shatter everywhere.

"I-I'm sorry...!!" Your voice began to tremble and you started to cry even more. Your mom fell to the floor and vomited everywhere.




You gasped and looked around. The girl was staring right at you with a death stare right on her face. You looked away and looked out the window. You began to think hard and deep. Too deep. Fatass, Ugly bitch, Loner, Nuisance, Freak, Annoying whore, Ugly dumb asshole, ......Please save me, Please help me. You paused for a moment just running those words over-and-over again in your mind. Hoping someone would hear and understand.

"Please..........................................Help me......"

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