"I'm not jealous... I'm possessive" Gahyeon winked. "And eating is important, honey. You need to stay healthy"

"I will, baby girl" Yubin said, really appreciating Gahyeon's concern. "And I like when you're possessive" she chuckled, placing a peck on Gahyeon's lips.

"Well... don't you two look cute" Yoohyeon chuckled, looking at them, laying her back on the kitchen door.

"Good morning, puppy. You shouldn't say too much. I'm sure you and Minji are a cute couple too" Yubin responded with a shrug.

"Good morning Yoohyeon" Gahyeon said, bowing her head a little. The hunter walked to the girls and ruffled their hair.

"Good morning to you too, little vampire" she chuckled, looking at Gahyeon "And to you too, panda" she added, pinching Yubin's cheek.

"Just a question, Yoohyeon. Why does everyone call you puppy around here?" The pink haired girl asked, wanting to know the reason behind her nickname.

"I require... a lot of care..." Yoohyeon admitted, embarrassed and Gahyeon looked at her with a confused expression.

"She means that she's really really clumsy, she trips over nothing, she walks into doors and walls, she-" Yubin was trying to say, when Yoohyeon put a hand on her mouth.

"Let's just keep it on clumsy" she awkwardly smiled and gently lowered her hand from Yubin's mouth.

"And she sleeps on people" Yubin quickly said with a little chuckle.

Yoohyeon glared at Yubin and the younger hunter just shrugged with a chuckle.

"I'm making coffee, puppy. Do you want one?" Yubin asked, smiling at her leader.

"Give me two... I'm tired" the silver haired woman laughed.

"When are you not tired?" the blue haired girl said, rolling her eyes.

"Say, Yoohyeon, what does she mean with falling asleep on people?" Gahyeon asked, sitting down on a chair.

"I uhmm... have the tendency to fall asleep on the couch and I... literally lay on Yubin's or Bora's body then"

"That sounds really cute" Gahyeon said, smiling and looking at Yoohyeon who nodded shyly.

"Cute? Have you seen her? And have you seen me and Bora? She's twice our height! She's heavy!!" Yubin laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Stop exaggerating! And I'm not heavy! What are you on about!" Yoohyeon pouted, crossing her arms on her chest.

"You are a tree! You are really tall! You are like one of those really big dogs who don't understand that they're not lap dogs and they keep sitting on people!" Yubin laughed, making Gahyeon laugh as well.

"I like sitting on people!" Yoohyeon raised her voice and Yubin raised her eyebrows, wiggling them. "Oh my god! Not like that! I just like company and proximity..." the leader defended herself.

"I'm kind of lost..." Gahyeon admitted, not really knowing what the two girls were talking about.

"Don't worry, baby girl. Maybe one day I'll show you" she chuckled, winking at the pink haired girl.

"Show me? What? Sitting on someone's lap is easy right? I do it all the time with Siyeon" Gahyeon said, really confused.

"Yeah it's just... not like that" Yubin chuckled, walking towards Gahyeon and giving a peck on her lips. "You are way too cute"

"Show me what it means then someday, please? I'd like to know what you are joking about" Gahyeon pouted and Yoohyeon laughed.

"Seems like you better take care of your 'baby girl', Yubs. Is that something new, the name?" She said.

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