The Breakout (Part 2)

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Lyna's P.O.V

First part of my plan, distraction.

"Auriana, you stay in my castle and pretend to be me." I said before casting a shape shift spell on her.

After the spell was said, Auriana's appearance switched to mine.

"Does that mean I can't do anything?" Auriana pouted

"We'll need you to stay here. People, specifically Iris, would probably get suspicious if I went missing right after Lev went to the dungeon." I said

"Fineeee" Auriana groaned "Then wouldn't they ask where I am?"

"Probably not.. But if anyone asks where you are, we'll say you went to visit Matt." I said

"Um, question." Carissa said "When do I get to punch stuff?"

I rolled my eyes.

"We've been over this, Carissa!" I said, getting annoyed. "If you start punching people then they'll alert the guards."

Carissa stomped her foot on the ground and complained.

"Then why am I even here!?" She complained

"Because you have a part to play in this too!" I replied

I took a deep breath and brushed imaginary dust of my dress, before returning to the conversation.

"Carissa, you will get me inside the palace, it's probably best not to use our magic since we might leave crystals arou-"

"Wait a second...Why do you need to be the one to save Lev?"

"Obviously because she's in love with Lev!" Auriana responded

"I am not!" I shot back at them.

"Sureee~" Auriana teased

I ignored her remark and slightly opened my blinds to see the sky. The suns were setting, it was time.

"Let's go, Carissa." I said before levitating us out the window.

Once we arrived on the palace roof, Carissa kicked a hole into ceiling. I jumped down the hole and Carissa closed it back up.

After looking around the palace for a while, I finally found the dungeon.

"Lev!" I whisper yelled "Where are you!?"

I looked at all the dungeon cells, Lev was no where to be found.

Did they know I was coming? Was Lev's cell moved? Maybe they let him go..?

I left the dungeon and headed to the dungeon tower upstairs. It was a long walk, but I couldn't use any magic, it would risk leaving crystals behind.

Finally, after so much walking, I made it to the top. Just as I suspected, Lev was sitting in a cell. I cleared my throat so he could hear I was here.

"Took you long enough." Lev said without looking my way.

"A thanks would be nice." I said, before looking for something to pick the lock.

"Yeah, guess it would." Lev replied

"How do I open this cell?" I asked

Lev pointed to the camera in the corner of the ceiling. I grabbed a rock and broke it.

"Iris said it was 'reinforced.' " Lev said, mimicking Iris' voice while saying reinforced.

Great. The one time I need Carissa to be around. How am I supposed to save Lev now-

"FREEZE!" I heard behind me

I stayed still. If I turned around, my cover would be blown.

"Hands in the air." The voice said, sounding like a guard.

I put both my hands in the air.

"Now turn around." The guard said.

I took a breath. My hands were shaking. I can't believe I was about to do this...

"Crystal Ruca!" I yelled

A large crystal shot at Lev's cell, allowing him to get out. Lev stepped out of the cage and I broke the power dampeners off him. Lev then shot a crystal onto the guard's mouth and hands.

"We're going to need you to keep quiet." Lev said

I levitated the guard behind the door and put the power dampeners on him  then started to leave.

"Hey, princess." Lev said

"What is it now?" I snapped


Before I could respond I heard someone coming up the tower stairs.

"Let's go." I said in a whisper

Lev teleported us out of there into a near by alleyway.

"That was.. strangely fun." I said excitedly

"Aww, Lyna's first prison break." Lev mocked me

"Stop it!" I said, slightly angrily

Eventually, I laughed a bit.

"It's funny, I'm supposed to be this.. Uptight, dainty, princess." I said "And look at me now. Breaking a criminal out of the soon-to-be Queen's dungeon."

"Guess you'll be on the run forever." Lev said

I stayed silent.

"I guess we will..." I said slowly.

"We?" Lev replied

I kissed Lev's cheek.

"Yeah, we." I said before taking his hand.

"You do know I work alone, right?" Lev asked

"Well I guess you'll have to get used to me." I responded, before we shared a kiss.

Back In The Ephedian Castle

Iris' P.O.V

After checking Lyna's castle and seeing she was there, I had nothing to worry about. Who would break out Lev anyway?

I walked up the tower stairs to were Lev was being held. After opening the door I saw a giant hole in Lev's cell.

One big, mint green, crystal sat there.

"Lyna.." I muttered to myself

I heard a muffled noise behind me. I turned around a saw a guard with gold-ish yellow crystal around his mouth and hands, along with Lev's power dampener.

No doubt those were Lev's crystals. They must be working together. Great... Right after I saw Lyna at her castle, how'd she get here so fast?

I let the guard out.

"What happened?" I asked

"The prisoner escaped." The guard said

'Obviously.' I thought to myself.

"He wasn't alone. There was a cloaked stranger with him. I believe it was a princess." The guard finished

It has to be Lyna, but how..?

"Get a team to check all the kingdoms. Make sure every princess is there. I'm calling an emergency royal meeting."

The guard saluted then left.

So, Lyna wants to turn to a life of crime? Fine. This means war.

Author's Note

I am loving writing this book, pretty sure it's my favorite, next to A Miraculous Love. Ik I keep saying this, but the book is almost over! Hope you enjoyed it and hope to see what you think of the future chapters ❤

P.S. Ever notice that Lolirock is spelt "Lol I Rock?"

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