The Beginning Of A New Rivalry

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Lyna's P.O.V

*Lyna's Room*

We all sat down on crystal chairs waiting for someone to start the conversation.

"Okay.. I'll start then." Auriana said nervously "Lyna, what's going on?"

I thought of an answer, sighed, then replied.

"I really am getting married." I lied

"Then to who?" Auriana asked "And where are they?"

"Um..." I said slowly

I glaced around my room for any ideas then looked at Lev.

"Their name is... Vel." I said slowly "And they are from Xeris."

Vel? Really!? That was all I could think of. Only a complete dummy wouldn't know who that-

"Are they coming to meeting thing tomorrow?" Auriana asked, still unaware of my lie.

"T-They're on trip to...Earth." I lied "Their job is to explore Earth!"

Auriana looked at Iris and then they started talking.

"How dumb are your friends..." Lev whispered to me

I glared at him then I looked back at Auriana and Iris

"Okay then, why is Lev here then?" Iris asked

"He snuck in." I said truthfully

"Then why were you talking to him?" Iris asked

"I was telling him to become a good person...?" I said slowly

"Hm... That could explain why you were telling him to change how he looks.." Iris muttered

"Now for my questions." I said "Why were you spying on me!"

Iris' P.O.V

I still didn't trust Lyna, neither did Auriana so we did the next best thing then giving up all the information, we lied!

"My pendant was glowing and when we got here a maid was crying." I said "Your mom said that they had to clean all the chandeliers in the castle so we helped them but accidently broke your chandelier in the process!"

"Hm... Makes sense." Lyna said "I guess neither of us had anything to hide in the first place!"

"Yep! See you later then!" I exclaimed

We both waved good bye and left.

*Iris' Room*

Auriana teleported me and her to my room to talk about what we had just learned.

"So... What do we know so far?" Auriana asked

"Well we know that Lyna trusts us again and that she's lying." I said

"Iris, I don't really like to be rude to someone like Lyna...but your right." Auriana said "The whole time we were talking she was looking around the room for ideas.

"And her whole act of saying she turning Lev good." I said. "That was obviously a lie."

"Well atleast she trusts us again!" Auriana exclaimed

Lyna's P.O.V

*Lyna's Room*

"Okay, so they were obviously lying.." I said

"How exactly would you know that..?" Lev asked

"My mom was packing for the Royal Council all day, I was told to be the one giving orders today." I stated

"Well you lied to so... Guess it's even." Lev said

"Well they don't know that." I said "They trust me again, and that's what matters."

"Also, what kind of dumb name is Vel?" Lev said

"I was under pressure okay!" I said

"So what are you going to do about the whole meeting thing?" Lev asked

"We'll figure that out later." I said

Nobody's P.O.V

"The important thing is." Lyna said

"They trust us." Iris said

"And we have the upper hand." They both said

Strange Kind Of Love {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon