Down To Business

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Iris' P.OV

"Lev, what are you doing here!?" I exclaimed

"What do you think?" Lev replied calmly

"Why are you stealing....again" I said after I let out a sigh

"You expect me to work for money?" Lev asked

"Ye-" I said before I stopped myself. I was getting no where with this conversation....

"Lev, though your my fri-acquaintance, I can't let you off the hook if I want to become a good queen." I said firmly

"Ouch, princess. That hurts, right in my cold unloved heart." Lev said sarcastically

"Whatever, Lev. You'll have to go to the dungeon." I said

"Well... Not if you can't catch me." Lev said playfully

"What do you mean? Your pinned to the wa-" Before I could finish, Lev pushed me to the ground and started running through the halls.

I ran after him and for a few seconds I gotta pretty close to catching him..but at the last second he put a crystal wall behind him and I ran straight into it.

"See ya later, princess!" Lev said as he ran towards the castle doors.

Lyna' P.O.V

"This is boring!" Auriana whined. "When is Iris coming back!?"

"She just left to go catch the thief." Talia replied while still looking at her spell book "Give it a rest."

"Why couldn't we just go with her!?" Auriana said

"Because then the thief would see us!" Talia said, annoyed

"I bet if I went I could take down the thief in seconds!" Carissa bragged

"Doubt it, if they used magic on you then you'd be begging for my help. I replied

"Well if they attacked you hand to hand you'd be begging for my help!" Carissa yelled

Before we knew it we were all arguing with each other as we waited for Iris.

"QUIET!" I yelled

Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I'll go make some tea to calm our nerves, okay?" I said calmly

"Okay.." Auriana said, still bored

"I'll take a quick trip to the garden to get some tea leaves. Talia your in charge." I said

"I was already in charge." Talia glared

In The Halls

I walked towards the castle doors but before I could reach the door handle I was pushed to the ground.

"Agh!" I said as I hit the ground "Watch where your-" I said before I looked up

"You got a problem princess...?" The person said while looking down to me

"I-I know you...don't I?" I asked

The person looked at me for a while.

"Oh yeah! Your that green princess that Iris barely talks to!" The person said "I'm pretty sure I fought you once..."

I glared at him.

"I have a name you know." I said as I got up from the floor and dusted myself off

"Which is.." The person asked

"Lyna." I replied, before flipping my hair

"Lev." Lev said, before crossing his arms

"So, mind explaining why your running?" I asked

"Wouldn't you like to know..." Lev said calmly

"Get-*pant* back-*pant* here!" Iris yelled from the other side of the hall

"Gotta run, see ya later, princess." Lev said before running out the door.

Iris finally caught up to me.

"What were you doing?!" Iris asked

"Erm...talking?" I replied

"Talking to him?!" Iris exclaimed

"Yes...?" I replied "Is that a problem?"

"Yes! He's the thief that's taking things from the castle!" Iris yelled

"Oh..." I said surprised

"Come on, let's go catch him!" Iris said before grabbing my arm getting ready to run outside

"Wait!" I exclaimed "You'll have to do this alone for now."

"What? Why!?" Iris asked

"I'm trying to calm the rest of the princesses down, they're a bit tense.." I stated

"Fine... Once they're okay call them to help." Iris said before running out the door.

"Okay!" I yelled so she could hear me.

In The Garden

When I finally arrived at the garden, I made a crystal basket and started  looking for tea leaves. Still thinking about the person I just met.

I guess now that I think about it.. I did see him on a few wanted posters. He didn't really seem like a criminal though... As I picked up another leaf I heard rustling behind the bushes. I quickly ducked down and looked through the tiny holes in the bush. Lev was there again, he was picking one of the rare flowers. As he picked it up I'd just noticed something... Half of Lev's right arm... was gone. I knew I shouldn't be talking to him but...

"So what happened to your arm" I said as I teleported behind him

"AGH!" Lev exclaimed before he dropped the crystal flower and it broke into pieces. "Don't scare me like that, geez princess."

I levitated the broken shards of the flower and put it back together.

"If you tell me what happened to your arm... I'll give you this flower." I said

"There are more of these flowers." Lev said "I don't need to tell you anything."

"IRIS-" I screamed

"Shush!" Lev said as he covered my mouth. "I'll tell you what happened okay!"

I pushed his hand off my mouth.

"Okay." I said before I smiled

Strange Kind Of Love {COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora