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Laying in the bed thinking of something.
Something that's always bothering me.
Always thinking that why?
Why did you leave and choose her?
You've choose her over me—us.

We've been in love for almost two years.
Then you just leave me hanging.
Leaving me hanging because of her.

You've just met her.
You've never really knew her.
Yet, you told me you do.
But, did you really know me too?
Did you really love me like I do to you?
Like how you said you love her too?

Thinking about it until now,
It tore my heart into two.
I've loved you to the point that I forgot to love myself.
But still, you choose her.

You choose to be with her instead of me.
And now you're back.
You want me back.
I said no.
No, because my heart already felt numb.
Numb because of the pain I felt when you leave me.
I don't have feelings for you.
It fades away like how you fade away.

Sorry, I'm not sorry.
But I am happy without you in my life.

- courageousbeast

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