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It was the time when I felt it,
I felt that I was left alone.
In the darkest night,
In my room and in myself too.

I don't know why,
Why should I have to feel this?
Why should I need to feel this?

I was lost.
Yes, lost in the depths of my thought.
And then, you came.
You came like a whirl wind.

I was scared.
I was scared that when I know you,
You'll left me too.
You'll left me hanging and begging.
Begging for you to come back.

So, I distance myself,
To you and to all the people that want to know me too.
Because I think that,
You'll all leave me.

Maybe this is better.
It is better if we were only be strangers...

- courageousbeast

Mga Tula ni Trixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें