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I've been there,
Waiting for the right time to come.
But you let me wait for hours.
Without telling me the reason why.

I honestly told you,
To not make me wait for another day.
However, you still did it,
In just a piece of cake.

What have I done?
What have I done to endure this?
What have I done to suffer?
Tell me what.
For me to know.

I had been there,
When you were in your worst.
I had been there in your side,
Staying and supporting you.
I had been there every time,
Every time you achieve your goals.

I thought I was the one,
The one that you think that will stay with you.
Through thick and thin,
Through the better and worst.
And for the rest of our lives.

But that thought,
That thought was wrong.
It wasn't me who you think of.
It wasn't me who you want to spend your life with.
And it wasn't me,
It wasn't me the woman who you wanted to be with.

It hurts.
Yes, it hurts like hell.
And thinking about you with her?

t kills me, my heart, bigtime.

I don't want to be with another man,
I don't want to start again,
And I don't want to be with someone who I can't be sure of.
I wanted to be with you.
But you don't want me too.

I want to thank you,
I know it won't be still enough.
But, Thank you.
Thank you for making me feel loved
Thank you.

You said you were sorry,
It wasn't enough.
Nonetheless, I love you.


Mga Tula ni TrixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon