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Vibin' in the sky light.
Music in the starry night.
Hands with a knife.
Finally! Thinking of ending the life.

Wishin' in the depths of the well.
For you my love, I will end it well.
Staring at your beautiful smile,
I can end up walking and running a mile.

With you, I am at peace.
Looking at you, it makes me please.
And no matter what I could and will say,
Can you please bear it and stay?

Loving you is my choice.
But staying with you will always be my voice.
Baby, you give light in my heart.
And in my eyes, you will shine bright.

The thought of happiness.
But didn't think of the word sadness.
It envelops my whole being.
Thinking of each other's ending and marrying.

I know it was wrong of me.
For thinking that you and me until the end
Darling, I wasn't even in my mind for a meantime.
But then, everything came to an end.

I got frustrated.
Too devastated.
Can't think right by being stressed.
That leads in being depressed.

Maybe it is better.
Better to end my life forever.
The music in the starry night isn't vibin' right.
Baby, maybe, I should end the sky light.

- C.B. | courageousbeast

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