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Wind laughing in the sky,
Clouds begins to cry.
Star shining in the night,
Sun making the light.

Everything's fine,
Until one summer day.
Every things fade away,
In just a piece of cake.

Looking back in the past,
People know it won't last.
They were right,
The day had come to break apart.

Just the thought of someone,
Someone so important.
The clouds had cried,
It was so tired.

Wind lost its laughter,
Sun starts to set,
And stars slowly fading.
What had happened?

Two people met,
In an unexpected event.
Fell in love
But it was  forbidden.

They got apart,
Another event had occur.
Fate really wanted to play.
Until the day had come,
They'd given up.

C.B. | courageousbeast

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